Jupiter Shim created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

I dont think the dad trapped his mother or anything. To me, it seems that the mother started having/showing mental issues during the mariage or after having Jihwan, and the father at some point didn't allow her to go out so that she dosen't "Shame him". He seems like an important and rich man so it's possible that he just dosen't want to show to the World that his wife is crazy. To me it seems that Jihwan got the psycho part from his mother's side. His father is just your typical cold rich father in Korean dramas who wants everything to be perfect. As to why he dosen't like Jihwan, well, because he's crazy and does crazy and dangerous stuff. I mean the chauffeur/Bodyguard warned him not to pity Jihwan.

Jupiter Shim created a topic of Yours to Claim

With this last chapter, it's really difficult to predict what's happening next...
So Jooin chose to let both of them go, which is pretty understandable for me at least.
With Yahwi it's clear that they both loved each other but Jooin got so much hurt in that relationship that he can't be with Yahwi no more. Or at least not now. Maybe they will meet in the future and fall in love again, in a healthy way. But for that to happen, they really need a long Time skip, like them meeting as 30 year olds or something. But it's as if it's going to be a completely different story. Don't know how they Can pull that.
As for Cain, it's more ambiguous in the sense that we're not sure of what Jooin feels for him. Jooin himself seems to be still confused about those feelings..we know that he's precious to him, that he finds him attractive. But does he love him? He says that treasuring is not loving but at the same time we see him in other chapters blushing with his Heart beating when Cain is close to him. Him saying that his feelings for Cain came drip by drip, and also him sleeping at his mom's place to not be alone when Cain left.
To me it seems that he chose to let Cain go because of two reasons. First because he doesn't want him to abandon everything(family, Friends, studies).
Jooin cares a lot for Cain and he certainly doesn't want to ruin cain's life. And secondly, because Jooin doesn't want to be Cain's master, that is not the kind of relationship he wants. Even in their last conversation, Cain still talks about Jooin as if he was the same person of the past life. With Cain's letter, Jooin maybe came to realize that Cain has this much love not for him but for his past life master and that makes their relationship vague and based on something that Jooin is not aware of. That makes Jooin doubt his own feelings too because he doesn't know much about the real Cain of this World. So there are for sure some unresolved issues between these. I think they will surely meet again in the future.

Jupiter Shim created a topic of Yours to Claim

Ok it was kinda painful to read these two chapters , I felt sad for both Jooin and Yahwi, although I'm not a fan of Yahwi.
We can understand both of them, now they're both aware of their short comings, they both can tell when it went wrong, and that they should end it once and for all. It's sad but that's what happens in real life.
Also from these two chapters and the ones before with Cain, I can tell that Jooin loves both of them. But in both cases he had to let them go. He let go of Cain because he doesn't want to ruin Cain's future, and he let go of Yahwi because his love hurt him a lot and ruined him.
If this story is ending soon, then it will have an open ending with no definite answer. Otherwise it will be rushed.
If there is a time skip, then there should be another season. I don't know if they're all going to meet again in the future or if it's going to be just Jooin and Cain meeting and maybe deciding to be together.
This last chapter seemed like a closure of Jooin and Yahwi, but well, you never know.
Anyway, it's a good thing that they all went their separate ways for now, they all need to grow and heal.

Jupiter Shim created a topic of Yours to Claim

Here we go again with people who lack reading comprehension so they go and blame Jooin
Are you guys not able to guess that Jooin is letting Cain go for his own good? Do you not see that Jooin is suffering because of this decision that he did not want to make but he had to. You know why he had to? Because he can see that Cain is going to ruin his life by staying by his side, he's abandoning studies, friends and family for him, and that is not a good thing. Jooin is someone who is reasonable and wouldn't want Cain to do something that he will regret. These last chapters he's been unable to decide because deep down he doesn't want Cain to leave, but he can't be selfish and that's why he says that it is his burden to bear. Many people in the comments say that Jooin is angry because Cain left. No he's not, he is sad and hurt because as he said, he's aware that his feelings now for Cain are strong and they will not disappear. That's why he said that his feelings came drip by drip. Unfortunately, they need to be separated for now, in order for both of them to be stable and independant. Cain needs this separation most, because he's too young, still dependant on his family and too focused on the past life. I believe there will be a time skip and they will reunite, maybe Jooin will go study abroad, as we see him apply on one chapter to study abroad programm

Jupiter Shim created a topic of Yours to Claim

Can people stop saying that Jooin is leading them on. I mean he clearly rejected Yahwi since that time he slapped him. It's Yahwi who keeps following him everywhere and begging him for forgiveness and this guy doesn't seem to take no for an answer! Same goes for Cain, Cain confessed and asked to be his boyfriend, Jooin told him that he's drawn to him (I think Jooin is already in love with Cain) but he wants to learn more about him so that he can trust him(because we all know that Cain is hiding major things from Jooin). What does Cain do after that? He leaves the country, starts ghosting him for sometime and doesn't want to tell Jooin why he left. You add to that the fact that his brother contacted Jooin and told him God knows what. Their reunion will be complicated.