Wait.... that means he's redoing the past all again no? Because if Deleter was saying that a guardian angel was protecting him.... then the present where Sooho died, his Guardian Angel was Taker... Then that means he couldn't do anything in the present and has to go back to the past to fix it. But Sooho will die until Taker finds the solution. it's like a loop if I think about it. Hope I got the right idea because I'm also confused what just happened and sorry for my english! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
.... Dez commented about this being a headache I totally understand that, I don't know why but I'm just losing my braincells while reading this story. I really hated the blonde and white hair boys if someone screams like that on the first meet hell no we know that you have someone you like but that doesn't mean you have to act like that. But then again after that part they were mmmmmm okay but I still dislike them. Anyway cute art, the plot can't understand like how the ML kinda well fell in love with the MC???? You guys just met he didn't do anything except work for you that's BL for you. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭