somedayaoi created a topic of 19 Days

Chinese government: "the guys cannot kiss in media"
Old Xian : ok, but 2mm apart on the same bed

somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

"My guildmate neighbor is a perverted slave owner"

somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Finally!! Confrontation! Seriously, Jigu is so stubborn and clueless, it's actually funny

somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Ji gu thinks he's so wise, having figured the his neighbor's identity within Illusion. Meanwhile, he's still confused by every other aspect of their relationship ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Thank you to our scanlator for delivering all these chapters ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Their relationship is very sweet, but I hope they will have the courage to show their love to other people. I also hope they will be accepted, as this is an appropriate relationship between teenagers. I look forward to the next volume!!

somedayaoi like the answer
Y'all are cooking lately asking the cold hard questions I love it. Disclaimer I am a bi black woman (yes it is relevant) The argument that BL/Yaoi is not "real" and therefore has less merit to say west lgbt rep like say heartstopper (just an example) has always made me flinch. Not because I think BL is real life but because who are you or me or an......
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somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Looking forward to season 2!

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somedayaoi followed a list

A list of BL works I enjoyed reading

- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- depends on my personal preference

☆ = fave

Part 2:

16 07,2024
somedayaoi created a topic of Love Interest Zone

This will be sad. I'll buy tissues in preparation for the day the sad chapters come. Just in case

somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Someone's not interested in knowing more!
Seems he only wants online friends, and not an irl friend

somedayaoi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

That's some baby yandere behavior. Skylar better set good boundaries because Cirrus is clearly not ready for a healthy relationship.

somedayaoi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Umbrella sacrificed his own life to give a chance to walk together. Respect

somedayaoi created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

It's hard for me to like cirrus. He's manipulative and disrespectful. I know, it's definitely due to his fuc*ed up upbringing. I still hope he will learn to be better with Skylar.

somedayaoi created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I lke the seriousness of this comic. The main character is mature and it's very refreshing

somedayaoi created a topic of Ao No Exorcist

Finally! I just needed to rant about how happy it makes me feel that there even is a third season!

Oh no! He's going forever away. What can Achilles possibly do?? Trying to hold him back from moving?