leslie is a determined child. she was still convinced shes living on borrowed time. if the plot that would force the duchess to choose between her and the empire came to light to her on the nick of time instead of long before, i bet she will throw her whole self to help the salvatores uphold their ancestral duty as protector of the realm, most probably harming herself or others in the process. if she had been informed and prepared beforehand, at least she would have the time to gear up, strategise and eliminate impulsive decisions....

her ex getting so violent just by the thought of her possibly looking at other guys when in fact she doesnt implies that he has violent temper, extreme possessiveness and abusive tendencies. i dont like how its brushed off as "they dont have problems, maybe its a ghost fighting in their bodies" no!! his personality is a problem!! major red flag even before the incident. just....no that guy is a no.

mc: is described to be intelligent and perceptive
also mc: has not done anything that reflects intelligence or perception
the princess of shu is like those isekai manga villain where she was poised, graceful, calm and smart where the mc is the typical villainess that gets on everybodys nerve. well i guess having this kind of switched roles is okay. the mc herself has depth into her character, but not the way she was initially introduced so i was a bit thrown off to see what shes becoming

seriously whomever she ends up with at this point its the least impotant thing!!! yooil is a very relatable character, worrying about being unproductive, unworthy of something, burnouts, having ur dreams clipped by family.....everyone who can relate with yooil just know that YOU ARE WORTHY YOU ARE A BLESSING BE HAPPY DO WHATEVER!!!!

very nice seeing the ML falling right into arias deceit, lol her plans really are foolproof then. it just so happens that foolproof plan is the reason why shes been miserable in the dining table (discredited, not receiving gifts, being continuously undermined in front of mielle). its like her perfect plan backfires lol but thats okay. she had a tough week bc of her foolproof plan, but her lifes guaranteed goin smoother now with that brain!!
also, i like that the brain of villainy in this story lady isis, who was meant to be ashers fiancee, seems to doesnt even like asher and maybe had even contested power with him. another level headed, power oriented character whos not boy-crazy or acting meek-buy-sly to match arias brain??? yas!

ITS FUCKING EPIC GUYS WHAT THE HELL!!!! the storyline is fucking solid. politics smartly woven, psychological and tragedy aspects are well balanced and the plot twist!!!!! OH MY GODDDD this webtoon is now god tier in my book. the story is very smart, elaborate, emotionally moving, intricate but comes off strong! ellin is a remarkable character!!! it does turn to be rather somber and pretty serious but somehow ellin can still make a couple of panels lit up with a joke! i just this love this so much

the art is breath taking but i havent been able to push past chapter 25 ever since it came out because in that chapter she started to conclude that the duke has been a good person all along. while that might be true and might be revealed later in the webtoon, i feel uncomfortable with how stockholm syndromy her perception is becoming:( he killed her half sister brutally right before her eyes and let her almost be raped and killed so its pretty hard for me to see from her perspective without feeling discontented.
maybe leaving no prisoner or brutally mandhandling your political rivals when youre waging a coup d etat cant exactly capture ones whole personality, but if her only goal to date was to merely survive and live a quaint simple life, if i were her, i would never let that thought slip in fear of my life. i would always be on guard. beatrice is suspicious about the archduke finding out her identity every 2 seconds yet she really doesnt put up much effort in being alert about her identity as well....so....inconsistency much? im trying to finish this to latest chapter though
idont like how they react to lancelot and alicia's reunion. that was a special and emotional moment for her BUT ARES AND KAI WAS SO BLINDED BY THEIR EGOS THAT THEY MADE IT ALL TO BE ABOUT THEMSELVES. the last 4 chapters were infuriating to read for me because BRUH, ALICIA, THE WOMAN YOU BOTH ARE SUPPOSEDLY LOVE, IS HAVING AN IMPORTANT MOMENT AND SHE WAS HAPPY, why cant they just....put their egos and jealousy aside and let her savor the moment???
also....when shes frustrated at ares not boarding her original plan to alludes kai that he and her have a thing, and the whole dolling up prettily thing....i was seriously furious. ares and alicia agreed on a plan, as a man of honor he should have taken the deal seriously. but from the beginning he already belittled and undermine alicia bc he thinks she will just simply fall on to his lap without him doing what he agreed on with her. that was condescending to alicia's dignity, imo. dont get me wrong ares is ok, but he and kai shares this view that underestimate alicia so much!!!!
as for kai im an eldest sister as well, so i understand VERY WELL alicias frustration. she wants and have all the rights to be angry about her brother messing with her things, but he was a child, and couldnt possibly take responsibility for his actions then. the panel where she recalls her sadness having kai burn the note was very emotional to me.
As a fellow eldest sister, I felt that pain. The infuriating feeling of watching your stuff be destroyed all the while knowing you can't hold your younger siblings accountable because they don't know any better. Ah, I remember when I was at that point in life where I thought it was my fault for not hiding my things more carefully in my own room (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
i feel you sis!!! being eldest daughter is not for the weak