I'll be honest I'm at chapter 5 right now, this is so amazing that I'm literally bawling my eyes out and typing just so I can share it with you guys ╥﹏╥, it's straight btw

So I'm looking for this manga or manhua (it's coloured I think) bl, so they all play a game I think (like an online something) and whenever there was a meet up the seme would not come, seme is comfortable with talking to uke so when uke asked him out seme went to meet up with him, at first uke was terrified when a gangster looking guy came up to the restaurant and sat across him, he was scared haha, then later found out he was seme
Its one of those days that I can't help but miss Jonghyun, Can I get something like manga, manhua, anything that'll make me get over my feeling, I've been crying for sometime now and really want to stop this sharp pain, I miss Jonghyun very much
Hello,,, im sorry about Jonghyun... try reading Thirty Years Old and Sesame Salt and Pudding. These two are my go-tos whenever I'm sad lol. I hope these could somehow help what you're feeling right now. :)
I'll look into them, thank you very much