Hmm… I See! ❤'s feed

I know we’re all happy to see the FL’s character development and that she’s finally getting her revenge! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Seriously , she has the worst family ever! But… there’s always a BUT… I still don’t think Ariadne should be with Alphonso b/c she was just as scummy as Cesar in her past life! She was an abysmal woman who did anything … ANYTHING, even murder … just for a man! It’s messed up that people are shipping her with Alphie when she helped Cesar stage a coup d'état and killed Alphie to become king… not to mention myriads of other innocent victims she callously helped Cesar kill in her past life. She is lamenting the fact that he used her just to be with Isabella in the end, but that doesn’t make her a better person than Cesar now that she has returned to the past. Maybe he changed in this life, too (OF COURSE HE DIDN’T… but still (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜…!!!) Does she deserve to be with Alphie? I think not!! ( ̄∇ ̄") Does she get a pass b/c Cesar made a fool of her and she wants revenge? Nope, not if you’re being fair! She’s just lucky to get a second chance at life, but she’s not inherently a good person; otherwise, she wouldn’t have helped Cesar in her past life! JKIR (Ӧ ⌒ Ӧ。)

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