Angel want to do ( All 1 )

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Angel's answer ( All 5 )

Sh*t replied to the wrong person so I'm posting this again here. In my opinion it's okay to watch the drama first and then read the novel since it is the original source. That's how I did it at least. The drama is pretty understandable by itself, even my mom was able to get what was going on. If you want to start with the other adaptations that'......   reply
14 06,2020
Angel 17 11,2019
squishydumpling_   reply
17 11,2019
squishydumpling_   reply
17 11,2019
about penpals
Can I join? Discord is Jelly Onequa #5173 Line is: squishydumpling_   1 reply
14 05,2019
about penpals
Hi! Would like to join. Discord: The Devil's Angel #5173   1 reply
06 11,2018

Angel's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did unable to trust anyone

i can't trust anyone not even my own parents or friends cuz of my trust issues

7 hours
did finally came out the closet

i'm quite open about it, but i used to get bullied for my sexuality so i only really tell people i'm close to about it now a days

7 hours
did finally came out the closet

Kinda? I mean ion really believe in the concept of coming out cuz it's nobody's business but I do tell people if they ask

11 hours