I've been reading the web-novel (because it's not a traditional novel in any respect), and I can tell you flat out that the English translation of it is very lacking. In all other languages that I've found their names are Clough Vandyke, Aeroc Teiwind and Raphiel Westport. In the English translations (which are fan done, I realize), their names are Klopp Bandyke, Aeloc Teywind and Rayfel Westport. I'm positive that whoever is translating the novel has English as a second of third language (amazing fete in and of itself) and has a habit of switching "r's" with "l's" and "f's" with "p's", which is common when translating something from or to English when the original language is Asian origin. Why? Well, because most Asian languages don't have the "f" or "l" sound. Very typical. I learned this when I took Japanese in college and Korean later.
So, although the web-novel does provide some further insight to the goings on, it's not a necessary read unless you want to read ahead. The manga is covering the main plot points and doing a good job of it. Both, however, are disjointed to some degree and lacking proper flow. Although, I do concede that the web-novel is probably disjointed because of the translations. It's a great effort, don't get me wrong, and I'm not disparaging it in any way. I am saying that the web-novel is not completely accurate for what's actually being said and even has their names wrong...it's like reading a manga on here thats been haphazardly translated via Google. Gotta read between the lines and infer a LOT. Anyway. I'll post a link to the web-novel, but try to correct at least the names in your head, because they are wrong, for certain. But make sure you thank them because it's a lot of effort to translate anything and takes a lot of time!

2024-01-02 04:13 marked
for those who have read the novel can yall pls spoil season 2 for me...i want klopp to suffer!
2024-01-02 04:12 marked
someone said this arc is going to b the uke only having all the memories and the seme having only fragments and the uke chasing him still but another comment says the seme is gonna b chasing n uke is gonna b avoiding n shi like dat what’s the truth im going crazy .
2023-12-13 19:18 marked
If so, from what? (I ask, not being able to read Korean, but sometimes we do get more literal translations of pet names!)
2023-12-10 14:18 marked
Is Pil-gyun going after his real father?
2023-12-03 13:51 marked
He in his soft-girl era.
2023-12-03 13:50 marked
Yall reading a bl story and over-analyzing shit. Just read and move on. If you want to critique every aspect of the story it just ruins it for the rest of us.
2023-12-03 13:50 marked
Bro tell him to shut his ass up.
Before I eat it
2023-12-03 13:49 marked
Since I saw a lot of people asking for spoilers I will share whatever I remember.

Yoosung already knew that Hakyung was a man. He knew this from when they went to the restaurant in ch 30. Yoosung already had suspicions before but when Hakyung was drunk he talked in "male" pronouns ig like "hyung" etc so Yoosung confirmed he was a man. So yes he liked Jiyoung knowing it was Hakyung pretending to be her.

When his son brought like 1/2 fakes grandpa already had suspicions so he made his own men investigate what happened to his friend and her granddaughter so he aready knew Jiyoung had died. He still softened upto Hakyung and kept him by his side because he knew he must have been someone close to her knowing how much he knew about her. So yes grandpa knew the truth the whole time too.

What happened was the grandpa fell ill and hospitalized so Hakyung's "role" as Jiyoung was coming to an end and before leaving, since he truly liked Yoosung, he was about to tell him the truth. But before he could they had to rush to the hospital cuz grandpa's health was failing so to say goodbye to him. During their way to the hospital the car crashed. When Hakyung woke up, Yoosung was still in a coma and grandpa had died so they both couldn't say bye to him at the end and Yoosung's father told Hakyung to go now telling they will tell Yoosung he died in the crash. They also made him leave their engagement ring behind.

When Yoosung woke up he asked where Hakyung was and his family told him he died and he was like bullshit and tried searching for him for many days. Even when he was still recovering he drove to the villa to find clues which Hakyung may have left but when Yoosung's father gave him the ring he believed Hakyung died. He thought Hakyung would never take off the ring even when leaving so this meant he had really died he drove off but the car failed having an accident from which he was saved. NOTE THAT IN THE NOVEL IT'S HEAVILY IMPLIED THAT THE ACCIDENT WAS POSSIBLY YOOSUNG ALSO TRYING TO K*LL HIMSELF. So he lost his memory and when Hakyung called him in ch21, he had already lost them.

Ok so basically what Yoosung saw in the box in ch 41 which made his expression strange was the engagement ring he gave to Hakyung in the past. It made him remember all the above things so from ch 42 onwards he remembers but isn't telling Hakyung cause he is scared he will leave.

There is no full translated version. Even I don't remember where I read it cuz it was almost 1 year ago I just typed the name on Google. So I am sorry I can't help there so I tried to summarize the best way possible. Some of the details here and there may be a bit off due to memory lol but basic story is this.
2023-11-27 21:39 marked
they will start calling each other jagiya (babe/honey) sometimes soon
2023-11-14 21:42 marked

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