When I thought he improved, he still stayed true to his psychotic personality
He's hot tho
Bro's special talent is being delusional
The El Jee Bee T thang
This made me combust
Absolute epic brain rot. What was I even thinking 4 years ago?
I used to like Maythan, but right now he's getting into my nerves. Bro became a white lotus bitch which is so annoying.
Naahhhh, why did you end this so early? I need to know more about Sentarou's career bruh and idk some wedding or something. Just fricking extend this pla
Fuck me, do something
Wow!! I didn't even think that Leo would beg first hurhur. Anyways, please end it here already. I'm already satisfied.
Istg, i need the end like right there. Please, don't test them no more pls ajvdkI can't take it
I need for at least one Owen to be the bottom
Maybe the smaller black haired one
I tried to read this piece of dookie ass and regretted it immediately. I keep skipping chapters and it's really just plain horrible I tell ya
When I thought he improved, he still stayed true to his psychotic personality
He's hot tho