I know the mustache was fake but dammit he better grow out an actual stache and beard before this ends. Scruffy men erasure in this one

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Missing Pepper Case

Bro does NOT deserve his dick, god needs to remove it ASAP as punishment for his entire personality

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I can never trust a single chapter after they just finish explaining two things that mess up their perception, like he could have just been manipulated by that one jerk and this whole scene ain't even real. Someone tell me otherwise PLEASE

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Driver's High

Their proposal matches their rollercoaster ride of a relationship lol

How do you look yourself in the mirror after kissing a sleeping man and think to yourself "he STOLE my first kiss"... Like brother you could not have done anything less than present your precious first kiss to him on a silver platter, be so fr right now

Are those squiggles supposed to be VEINS??? Eugghh brother eugghhh

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Jinx

I need someone to treat certain world leaders the way Jaekyung treats Dan

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Red String Quests

They got that drugged up ~ahegao~ PLASTERED on their faces, and I'm not complaining. Love to see it even

I thought I was ready for the ending but I'm very much not, where's the wedding chapter? At least let me have that one last morsel

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Missing Pepper Case

Yeah, he's not getting that dick back anytime soon. Just one pump n dump in exchange for a peen? Ha, no god would make it that easy

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Swallow You Whole

Not him becoming the guy's personal sippy cup AND being okay with it. Does MC know he can cook him something else other than his bodily fluids?

Very romantic proposal, totally not out of the blue or anything like that. I'm sure your brother, who still doesn't know you're dating, will be PLEASED to hear this news

NOOO COVID got to the BL, it's been mutating so fast that it can now infect the 2nd dimension...!!

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The title of this side story should be "How Many Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Can We Fit In One Chapter: Extended Edition"

PalleDeLeche created a topic of One room TA

Am I supposed to feel sorry for her or something? Jinhyeong isn't perfect by any means, but who tf treats their partner like that after they just got harassed in the bathroom at YOUR event? I thought she was gonna be like "I'm sorry we're just too different and I need x person to do x things" not "YOU'RE A FUCKING PROBLEM HOW DARE YOU SET BOUNDARIES"

Boys y'all better hurry tf up with them books before she finds you and freaks tf out

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The world serving me loads of wholesome family content in the form of this fkng manhwa and Pewdiepie vlogs is great. Wonderful even. Very healing. BUT I CANNOT AFFORD? I AM SINGLE? HOT BIG TITTY MEN DO NOT LOVE ME?

Possible Byul braincell redemption? Is he getting the smart character development he deserves so as to stop the generational trauma of being absolutely fucking dumb? Cause I'm sorry Hyesung, love you, but decisions were certainly made...

PalleDeLeche created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Do we even have to know what's on those tapes? Just lock the old man up already, have him take Myeongil's place as the prison sex toy or sumn (NOT the brothers' sex toy don't even), and free my boy Jingi

He's too young for nightmares don't do this to my boy