It was going so well until chap 14, where's the rest of my enemies to lovers spiteful romance? I can't keep reading the same "guy gets drugged by other dude, calls out for seme and BAM seme appears" scene word for word all the time I CANNOT
I would also be crying on cue if some random incredibly tall person just appeared in my house acting like an alien discovering societal norms for the first time. Tho I'd stop crying immediately if they got my plates down from the cupboards I can't reach
Someone told me this was the worst translation they've ever seen and holy fuck yes it is. Some gems from whatever language this claims to be: "I cum" "You needn't sorry" "You cum! Do you ejaculate prematurely?!"
Went into this knowing the second hand embarrassment would be high and goddamn girl what are you doing? Juheon did it right because I too would threaten to sue if someone just grabbed my dick like that
It was going so well until chap 14, where's the rest of my enemies to lovers spiteful romance? I can't keep reading the same "guy gets drugged by other dude, calls out for seme and BAM seme appears" scene word for word all the time I CANNOT