aerslevdi's feed

aerslevdi created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

If I told the me that just started this that I would be on Riftan's side, they would impale me on the spot. But alas, here we are. It's not that Riftan's actions became better or anything of the sorts, please understand that. It's just that I can see why he behaves the way he does. When one side of the couple does not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, communicate, the other side can only do so much without starting to make assumptions. Which is what Riftan is doing. He can obviously treat women equally and respect them, but he treats Maxi like a doll because she freaking behaves like a doll. When she calls him out, he is stumped but follows her nevertheless. Issue is, she never calls him out in matters concerning their relationship so they don't improve there. Now with the ending of this latest chapter and with this incident I hope she communicates something, anything, to Riftan. If she gathered the strength to confront these drunk women, she could find the strength to at least tell Riftan she will keep practicing magic with hopes of aiding people. Or something.