I don't know the original, I'm too busy trying to make a living
The Duke’s Obsession with His Wife
I love this a lot! Sure it's not the best worldbuilding manhwa out there but i would much prefer with using simpler worldbuilding and focusing more on the plot! Authors can be ambitious and tried hard to make their stories interesting by mixing popular tropes in hastily but this story's plot seemed more natural. Even when they're discussing the marriage contract, it does feel like both people are actually considering how this contract could affect their life rather than other stories who just put this trope and treat it as if it's unimportant (which yeah obviously they'll fall in love and the contract will be invalid but seriously how would they know they could end up together other than the readers).
Ofc this story still have some flaws but damn it's above average from the other cliche rofan these days
Don’t Worry, We Both Agreed to this Fraudulent Marriage