Is the shi clan thinking of taking over the kingdom again, by leading all the death accidents of the royal heirs? Now that the king is not of royal blood, but not the shi blood?
Please elaborate I'm starting the novel very soon

The emperor is indeed a Royal blood,but he is not the direct bloodline of the founder empress. I am not sure but Shi clan also has bloodline of the founder empress, so they think they have qualify to have the throne and planned to rebel. But it just Loulan's mother desire, Loulan doesn't want that to be happened because rebellion means if they lost the battle, everyone in the shi clan will be punished including the innocent children.

Oh yeah now i see, the mad woman (loulan's mother) is doing Hella good work at destroying their clan (and the shi clan will not be missed) !!!
Especially now that they kidnapped Mao Mao, great move indeed.
First the founder empress built the shrine to infiltrate the kingdom and now the shi clan had enough and trying to take over the kingdom the hard way...
They give me Tom Riddle x harry Potter vibes BIG TIME, love them so muchhhh