I was thinking... she can overpower the entire society of that world simply by giving birth... I mean, with ONLY Curtis she will have 19 kids (in real snakes it depends a lot on the species can be 1 or 3 eggs but it can be 100 eggs in a single go, many have a normal of 10 to 30). They are likely to remain eggs for about 2 to 3 more months but she is already able to become pregnant again, as far as I'm aware, and it have been a bit less than 3 months.
If she gets impregnated by Winston (I don't want to think about the inconsiderate leopard), in about 3.5 months she will give birth to probably 3 or 4 cubs. It's possible to birth up to 7 but in those cases some are likely to die due to not developing well. So I will assume 4.
In about 4 or 5 months after impregnated she will be able to get pregnant again... Let's suppose it's Parker's turn (against my will), so 4 months more and she gets 3 more cubs.
We get a total of 26 kids in a single year. Give this woman a mom of the year award!
Let's suppose Muir is back in the game (I haven't forgiven him yet but let's do the exercise) and he gets a chance of becoming a father too. Some people said he's an eagle so... 3 to 6 days to lay 1 to 3 eggs and about 40 days to warm them until they hatch. I still think he looks more like a falcon, so if I'm right, 2 or 3 days for 3 to 4 eggs, 29 to 32 days per egg to hatch. To make it easier, let's say 3 and 44 days total.
Now let's say she decided to have the insistent wolf too (I don't see why would she aside from the fact wolfs are great parents and partners... but the guy doesn't seem trustworthy now so if I was her, I wouldn't). The normal litter is between 4 to 6 puppies but it can be as big as 13 pups and it seems they usually live. Pregnancy takes about 2 months and a few more days (63 days). I will assume 6.
So in about 3.6 months of this new year she got 9 kids. I will suppose in a total of 4 months she is ready for more.
Let's suppose Curtis is too busy being a father of 19 lil snakes to mate again. That gives us 8 more months to get kids from any of her other males. For the sake of simplicity: 9 x 3 quadrimesters = 27 kids in one year!
Or... we can assume she will do a rotation between the males (skipping poor Curtis who is busy): 9 kids/4 months + 4 kids/4 months + 3 kids/ 4 months = 16 kids in one year.
So... in 2 years she has 32 babies! Which means she has her own band/hamlet!
Give her 10 and she would have given birth to an entire village! And a powerful one at that, since Curtis and Winston are 4 marked and Parker is probably going to be 4 marked by then too.
Or 20 years and she can dominate the world with her kids (and I'm assuming grandkids because animals reach sexual maturity faster than humans and I would be disappointed if she didn't birth a bunch of females with that amount of kids)! That would be the end of her fertile life if the gems didn't exist. They would probably give her a bunch and this way she could keep going for a few more decades. But if the goal is to dominate the world... Curtis gives way more babies in relation to time and effort than the others...
Anyway... even if she doesn't go that far. In a world where people give very little birth and females are scarce... Giving birth to less than a village is probably already enough to dominate it.
Still... Just saying... If things go my way, this story could be called "How I birthed world domination!"
I hope this was at least entertaining to whoever ends up reading it lol

Thank you!
If we assume she gives birth and is ready for more every 4 months, 20 eggs each time and all eggs safely hatch, she and Curtis could have 80 kids per year. Give them 10 years, 800 kids. And since snake gender can be defined by temperature, they could fix the lack of females problem of this world. That's an even more effective way to world dominate than overpowering by cheer numbers (and 4 marked hubbies)!! That would be fun

I wasn't really bored. I just got a bit carried away lol I'm too invested in 2 stories here. This one and "Seducing the villain's father". That 2nd one doesn't allow for too much speculation like this one does and I have always enjoyed weird non-sense, so... This story was begging be to speculate stuff about it xD

You have to rethink your theory.. You have to add the time of how long she needs rest and also how far deteriorated her vagina is... Plus adding all the eggs she layed and stuff there high chance she dies and she wont have a whole village of kids due to over exhaustion. So having kids from each partner to satisfy them can lead to a tragic end. Probably from the 2nd round of having sex with Curtis can lead to her death. Just thinking about it 18 more eggs nonstop being layed out.. It surely will ruin her vagina and exhaust her in the process.

Not really. They have cristals. Curtis and Winston are both Quadramarked (and I assume Parker will soon be one too) so they have access to the special cristals that give 10 more years, more vitality and stuff. They said before many females want strong males so they may get many cristals to stay young and fertile. Parker's mom is a good example. She is still giving birth to cubs because Parker's dad (the leopard king) feeds her cristals. Even if she gives birth once per year to Curtis eggs, having 18 female snakes per year is already a position of power. In 3 years we have 54 females. Each of them can get 5 husbands once they mature (54x5=270) and if we make the quadramarked train them, they may be able to go to 3 marks each.. maybe only half become 3 marked. Still, that's basicaly an army in that world.

I can't get into the story with how emotionless Meili is. I don't really enjoy the art so it doesn't motivate me to keep going despite not feeling the story. I mean, glad they are not really brothers but still...
I keep getting creepy vibes!!! I mean, if 2 kids about the same age think they are in love with each other and try to re-meet to try relationship, it's cute. If one kid decides is in love WITH A BABY. That's creepy. The mom giving her blessing was also super weird. And Meili doesn't care about anything!!! A sex doll probably has more feelings!
Reading the reviews there was a person talking about how unsatisfying the end is and from what I read so far? I can believe it. I mean.. The dude heavily lusts for grown up Meili (thankfully doesn't act on it yet) but he agrees to marry a woman chosen by his super creepy mom who he clearly dislikes when he said not long ago he would NOT make the same mistakes of his father who... fell in love with another woman and turned her into his mistress and created half of this mess. HOW IS THIS NOT COMMITTING THE SAME MISTAKES??

I think you read a whole different story
Let me help you out... he didn’t fall in love with a baby it wasn’t love at first he cared for the baby and watched him a lot as a child after his mom killed the babies father( spoiler) he felt guilty because he was there when it happened and wasn’t able to help. He didn’t want to be like his father because his father knew his wife killed the baby’s dad but didn’t do anything. And the dad did not fall in love with meilis and mom the father had a strong sense of guilt because of meilis dads death so he decided to look after the baby and the mom and fell in love with THE FAMILY not the mom because everyone was happy together. It’s natural to fall in love with a feeling that other families have because your own family is broken. Next sooho fell in love with meili once he came back to the island to take him and his mother back to Seoul. The reason for him falling in love was because when they were placed in a room to share to go to bed meili ended up cuddling up to him because that is his habit. And that was the first time sooho had a good night sleep since the whole situation with meilis dad. The mom realized sooho’s feelings and gave her blessing because sooho would be all meili bad and she was going to die. Meili is a really shy character and he does have a lot of expression he is super cute you get too see all of it when you read. He agreed to marry someone against his wishes because it was his way of saving meili and as you should know since you got that far the person he married also had ulterior motives because she also had someone she loved and wanted to protect so the wedding also helped her. Tbh he life wasn’t all that oof either. And the whole father having a mistress thing was just rumors created by the public it all cleared up once merry was born. This is a great story and the ending was rushed I agree since there was a lot of stuff that wasn’t cleared up but you can’t judge the book without reading all the parts. But they did clearly explain everything I’m just assuming that you didn’t pick it up because you weren’t into it. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Until chapter 8 you dont see his fiancé.
Well, thank you for explaining the story. It seems somewhat nice under your perspective but i really can't get past Meili's dead fish expression. I can't read this.
I also can't read something i know i will hâte the endding lol That's the type of thing that ruins a story for me

I read a couple of papers but the best resource I found was a blog called "Life is short but snakes are long". The name is funny and I love it but I found it the best because it has pictures and explain things in a easy to understand way.
So, about Curtis' 2 sex sticks. Male snakes (and lizards) have 2 and one scrotum for each; however, they only use ONE at a time. This is a way for them to have time to restore the sperm count (it can take 3 days) when they have opportunity to mate more than once in a mating season. Usually they have one on each side (right and left) and in case you didn't know, snake's penises are retractable. When not in use they stay in a pocket inside their tails which is why a male's tail is usually thicker and longer than the female's.
A fun fact: snake ejaculation can take several HOURS.
Fan fact 2: snakes can mate even outside of mating season.
Fan fact 3: female snakes can store sperm of multiple partners and choose which ones she wants to be impregnated from and WHEN. The stored sperm can be used YEARS after it was "harvested". Some believe they may even be able to choose how many from which, since they are able to birth from different fathers at once.
For the sake of our FM here, I hope Curtis penis is similar to a human one because most snake species have spikes on their penises so they can lock on the female (this is also know in feline species like lions too). The females of same species apparently are not hurt by it but the ones who aren't are (lucky of them, the lionesses actually feel pain with the removal of the lion's penis which is used to stimulate their ovulation). So... in a world where you can mate with other clans just fine, I suppose the spikes are not only not needed but would be a hindrance. I'm assuming he doesn't have spikes. I mean, she didn't seem traumatized.
Another curiosity: some snake species actually give birth instead of laying eggs! Apparently Curtis is not from one of those species since the type of gestation, birth and species of the babies seem to be determined by the father in this world... I also hope Curtis is monitoring the temperature and humidity really well because in real snake eggs, moving the eggs after they are laid may cause egg death because of those changes. Also, like in other reptiles as well, the gender of the babies inside the eggs is determined by the temperature! So eggs on the bottom or top of the pile usually hatch with a different gender, not always. It's more common when the eggs are buried. The hotter temperature make them females and the colder makes them male.
Curtis is likely not a Python since those snakes are capable of incising the temperature of their clutch by 7-10°F. In my limited knowledge, I think they are likely the hottest snakes in body temperature. As far as I understood poisonous snakes tend to be more caring of their offspring than other snakes so I'm optimistic of Curtis being a good father.
I'm likely going to research the other potential fathers of our MF's kids as the story progresses in case you guys also wanna know.
Any one knows if Kijima got his own manga?
Please say yes and please send link to it!
Enjoy ~
Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot ヾ(☆▽☆) !