Krxls created a topic of Nerd Project

The freaking masterpiece that is when his fingers were up his ahh. I was not ready for that but I'm here for it!!

Krxls created a topic of Just Twilight

Wtf?? This delusional psycho really just don't know when to give up. Dude, there was never a chance to begin with

Also, so glad the thing with the girls wrapped up very quickly and wasn't dragged on. At this point I don't even think blonde girlie should be with the delulu psycho

Krxls created a topic of Remarried Empress


Krxls created a topic of Surge Looking For You

No no no noooo. I still want more of my baby Yiho!! T_____T

Krxls created a topic of Surge Looking For You

I just hope the daily life stories of this cute little family just continues on forever T____T

I'm not sure if I missed it in some chapter or what but what exactly is the ML's name??? I think I read Aisbel, Rolf, and Rudi??

Krxls created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

"Let's talk about what the hell you were thinking or maybe what possessed you to drag this on for so long?" EXACTLY WHAT WE WERE ALL THINKING !!!!

Krxls created a topic of Remarried Empress

Meh. Still not sorry for her demise. Putting myself in her shoes, as a slave with no education, the best help I’d want from an emperor is to get me out of that status by serving him, not deluding myself into greedily wanting to replace the empress. So yeah, she deserves it.

Would have wanted more of actually "raising" Leon as the title implies. I get that everything she did was for an ending where the children will be safe and happy but it felt like A LOT happened that she didn't get much time to REALLY be with Leon and raise him well this time. Even in the end, she's not staying with Leon. Sry, maybe I just love Leon bby too much but I hope there will be side stories of family quality time. PLS

Krxls created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Applause to the assistant/bodyguard (sry forgot his name) for having the actual mind in this chapter coz I don't know what mental gymnastics Jaein is doing

Krxls created a topic of Remarried Empress

Aaahh, the extreme joy of seeing trashta's misery. While I don't want to see more of her in the next chapters, I am very much enjoying her downfall

Krxls created a topic of Reunion
Krxls created a topic of Remarried Empress

Everyone in the latest chapter being chaotic and here I am reading calmly and at peace, with a smile on my face. We've waited long enough ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Krxls created a topic of 2020

And he was so hot sitting on that chair but bruh, how is that brain of yours working T__T

Krxls created a topic of Redeem: Only One Forever
Krxls created a topic of 2020
Krxls created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

I have tears in my eyes already at the first half! Thank god my boy Kael fought through Hestia's walls

Krxls created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

God please Hestia, there's no other answer ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Krxls created a topic of Rocket Science Love

Oh how i wish this is the type of story where the lead ends up with the 2nd guy (red head), like i get they don't want to ruin their firendship but there's got to be consequences realizing your true feelings too late when it's right there jn front of you all along, and never trying to comprehend what it is