Seeing comments repeatedly saying that this is incest just makes me wanna face palm. Yeah they grew up as family but they’re not blood related, and if you’ll think about it, Hari and Eugene were apart from each other for six years, they barely see each other in those years, so I don’t know about the ‘growing up together’ thing those people kept on saying. PLUS, if you’re REALLY reading the chapters before the latest one, it’s SO obvious that it’ll go that way.
I could tell you more points (but Inhave to reread chapters and I’m too lazy to do that) on why their blossoming ‘romantic’ relationship isn’t wrong at all. Take it as my defeat or me conceding but I think we really see this story in different viewpoints, and we’ll never meet halfway if that’s the case and I’ll respect that. I’ll just enjoy reading future chapters. And ultimately, I just want to stop with the long replies. Lol
Anyone knows other good SamaIchi djs?? Would love to read more >__< there’s sooo many in japanese but a lot haven’t been translated:(
I’ve seen the raws until chapter 41 and I might just drop this or wait until it’s finished T_T
To the one asking what’s gonna happen, didn’t think me editing the comment would delete its replies >_< but read below
I didn’t understand any of the text but they had s3x. I’m assuming Param was carried away by Mr. Han’s sob story plus his lingering feelings. I just thought Param was smarter than that >___< AND he’s hitting it off pretty well with Hwi T___T
When he took off his shirt and we got a full view of it.. oohhh lord thank you ლ(´ڡ`ლ)