Alright my 2 cents about it.. or rather what I understood from Koogi’s notes and the story itself...
Sangwoo did come to care for Bum in the end.. and I think that’s what Koogi is alluding to. Can’t be sure if it’s love though.. maybe he did.. maybe he dint.. and I will explain why...
Sangwoo’s understanding of love was corrupted by his mentally unstable mom and abusive father. So he did not understand “love” as normal people do. He did project his mum on Bum for sure.. atleast in the beginning.. and maybe until the end when he got paranoid about Bum trying to poison him like his mom tried to. So his understanding of “love” is definitely polluted with concepts of abuse, mistreatments and maybe even rape etc. He probably tried to piece together in his mind weather what his mom (most influential person in his life) did was “maybe” love or if it was abuse? Coz he himself was mentally unstable by the end of his young adulthood as a direct result of his mother’s actions and maybe didn’t possess the mental faculties required to understand emotions like love or abuse, and mixed them up. So he did not understand what love was and did come to care for Bum at the end, and didn’t understand that he had started to care for someone.
I do agree with most people here saying that at the fag end of your life, when you are physically & mentally broken, you will call for a person you most care for and not just a random person in your life that held no importance .. and that’s what Koogi was trying to suggest.. and when mental stability hits rock bottom.. your subconscious takes over and that won’t confuse you. And the only person to say he loved Sangwoo in his life, was Bum.. and that’s why he did come to care for him at last, that probably even he wasn’t aware of. The balls still up in the air as to weather he loved him though.. only Koogi can answer that question.
Anyways it was open ended.. so a different interpretation by others is to be expected and welcome too. We are millions of fans reading these mangas so difference of opinion is to be expected.. and I m ok with a different interpretation of it.. :)
Please feel free to share what you understood .. a healthy discussion is always welcome.

Still waiting for this masterpiece to be updated. I mean the previous scanlation team was doing a great job. The translations were good.. the transitions from page to page and chapter to chapter was clean. Overall excellent work. I wish they could continue this one... but for whatever reason If they can’t continue, I wish another capable team can pick this up. I am usually not a fan of a 3 person relationship but somehow this one works and I can’t wait to see how their future unfolds. I hope this throuple continues with love and understanding. I am rooting for them and waiting patiently to see their future.
PS: I would be grateful if someone can give a brief summary of the rest of the chapters.. please spoil it for us avid fans. At this rate I am pretty pessimistic about this one being updated. :(
Season 1 was ah-mazing...
High hopes for season 2..
There is a season 2 right?
Yup there is! 2 other chapters are out from season 2 :))