Anon_aug July 3, 2019 2:34 am

Clearly there are some nut cases that like picking up fights... and don’t read the comments in entirety.. These asshats need to READ carefully and not poke around where there UNNECESSARY COMMENTS aren’t needed and shut the fuck up.

    Anon_aug July 3, 2019 2:45 am

    These trolls need to be set straight.. Trolling people is a favourite pastime of some people.. get a life

Anon_aug July 1, 2019 9:04 pm

Blossom scan... than you for picking this up. Please translate the missing chapters too and also the previous one that was poorly done. It’s ok if you guys take time. We can wait. You would do some fans a great service. Thanks again!!

    Harukka July 1, 2019 10:06 pm

    I so Agree! Blossom Scans Thank you so much for this! Please take your time the we fans will definitely wait patiently! You guys are awesome!(≧∀≦)

    alexa July 2, 2019 4:27 am

    I one of the translators owo Can you let me know the specific chapter numbers of the ones that need fixing/uploading and I'll pass it on to my group and we can see what we can do :3

    alexa July 2, 2019 4:27 am
    Hihihi~I one of the translators owo Can you let me know the specific chapter numbers of the ones that need fixing/uploading and I'll pass it on to my group and we can see what we can do :3 alexa


Anon_aug June 30, 2019 9:34 am

I understand why zhishu is finally leaving after struggling with his decision for so long. He was already on the edge with wenxu’s violence & cheating but he was pushed over when zhishu realised that the 10yrs they spent together, most likely meant nothing to wenxu. He was able to live with wenxu thinking wenxu’s love for him was genuine in the past. But that illusion shattered when wenxu’s didn’t care much about the ring which for zhishu represented the love they shared over the years.

I am glad that zhishu is finally leaving coz he showered his love on an undeserving person. And you should always walk out of such a relationship no matter how hard it is to break it up. A cheater will always be a cheater no matter how much they argue against it. And all cheaters are master manipulators. You can only be satisfied with the fact that your love was genuine. It might have been wasted on an unworthy person but your feelings were of the right kind. What the other person does with those feeling is something we have no control over.. but hold your head high with confidence and walk out. We can only uphold our self respect. And trust me... it takes more courage to walk out than to continue in this make believe relationship.

I had read the comments before venturing into this as the tag said tragedy.. thinking I will steel myself for what’s coming, but it doesn’t help. It wrenches your heart for the conditions zhishu is subjected to. Your heart will bleed and there won’t be enough tears for you to cry.. the sadness just envelopes you and you feel helpless.. wanting to help someway. It’s amazing how a fictional story can tug at your heart strings so much. Keep tissues handy before you start reading.. and better still if you succumb to episodes of depression or sadness.... stay away.

    Sap June 30, 2019 10:46 am

    And i think the reason why this fictional story affects us so much that we cry is because these things happens in reality and we can relate to it.
    I just hope all the cheaters in the world suffers till they die

    Zealot_crazer June 30, 2019 10:59 am

    I think I'm gonna cry less with the next few chapters because he's finally leaving. There might be something better now than all the crap he went through until then.

    Anon_aug June 30, 2019 11:12 am
    And i think the reason why this fictional story affects us so much that we cry is because these things happens in reality and we can relate to it.I just hope all the cheaters in the world suffers till they die Sap

    Exactly.. it happens everywhere and the victims usually choose to continue staying with the cheaters more often than not. I think these sad stories really affect us coz we are so invested in them and start projecting on them. It’s just effing sad.. I knew reading it will ruin my next few days but I still went ahead and read it.. I don’t regret reading it but it just hurts.

    Anon_aug June 30, 2019 11:16 am
    I think I'm gonna cry less with the next few chapters because he's finally leaving. There might be something better now than all the crap he went through until then. Zealot_crazer

    I am just annoyed it took him so long to leave the prick. He should have left him the moment he realised he was being cheated on.. he enabled the cheater to continue cheating on him.. I wish I could smack some sense into him.

    And not to spoil your reading experience... it gets worse from here. If you think ur tapped out crying... you are wrong.. get ready for bucket loads of tears.

    Peterules June 30, 2019 11:16 am

    Zhishu is the definition of a doormat
    I know people like that who let their spouse abuse them like this and stay. I hate these people more than the abusers themselves. They are the ones you see dead in the news too. Good riddance.

    Anon_aug June 30, 2019 11:27 am
    Zhishu is the definition of a doormat I know people like that who let their spouse abuse them like this and stay. I hate these people more than the abusers themselves. They are the ones you see dead in the news... Peterules

    I call these people.. enablers.. when your partner cheats on you and you in return create an excuse for them as to why they cheated on you and that it was one time thing and won’t happen again? These people are more often scared to walk out.. imaging a life that wasn’t the way they have lived until then is scary. I sympathise with them but they have to help themselves .. there no knight in shining armour in real life. You have to be your own knight.

    Peterules June 30, 2019 11:32 am
    I call these people.. enablers.. when your partner cheats on you and you in return create an excuse for them as to why they cheated on you and that it was one time thing and won’t happen again? These people a... Anon_aug

    Exactly. These people are just deluded. They don't value themselves enough and are weak.

    Like when bullies abuse their victims . It's the same principle.

    Anon_aug June 30, 2019 11:35 am
    Exactly. These people are just deluded. They don't value themselves enough and are weak.Like when bullies abuse their victims . It's the same principle. Peterules

    You hit the nail on the head.. it’s mostly low self worth.

    Zealot_crazer July 1, 2019 3:50 am
    I am just annoyed it took him so long to leave the prick. He should have left him the moment he realised he was being cheated on.. he enabled the cheater to continue cheating on him.. I wish I could smack some ... Anon_aug

    Same here! I was pretty much screaming at him saying "you masochist!" But yeah ..

    You serious? It's gonna get worse...? ^getting buckets ready^

    Peterules July 1, 2019 1:54 pm
    Same here! I was pretty much screaming at him saying "you masochist!" But yeah ..You serious? It's gonna get worse...? ^getting buckets ready^ Zealot_crazer

    Masochist? That's what I thought at first. But then when he got slapped, I knew Zhishu has SERIOUS problem.

    Anon_aug July 1, 2019 8:10 pm
    Same here! I was pretty much screaming at him saying "you masochist!" But yeah ..You serious? It's gonna get worse...? ^getting buckets ready^ Zealot_crazer

    Yea it does.. zhishu does leave him but he belongs to that category of people that suffer willingly rather than push themselves to move on. Breaking up is difficult for most people that are in love... but zhishu makes us want to believe that it’s the end of the world. He continues to be in love with the prick and I am sure that doesn’t help him. I haven’t read the raw’s but read some of the comments that mention his situation. Having low self worth and no mind control... we as readers suffer watching zhishu as much as he does. My only solace, the asshat gets what he deserves in the end.. a fucked up existence.

Anon_aug June 15, 2019 1:43 am

Does it make me bad... that I want Ewon to hurt Mookyul as much as (or maybe even more) Mookyul has hurt him? I want their future where Mookyul is shredded to pieces by Ewon for the hurt he has caused.. even though I understand a part of Mookyul’s reasons, I still want him to suffer. That might probably soothe our aching hearts a lil bit.. probably.
I wish the mangaka wrote a follow up with Ewon as a powerful guy in the future and him destroying the old pedo... that would be so fantastic.

    Meenakshix June 15, 2019 10:49 pm

    I agree with you! Ewon forgave him way too easily. I really love them together, but Mookyul took him for granted tbh.

    Anon_aug June 16, 2019 12:40 am

    Exactly... all I want is that Mookyul is equally hurt but I still want them to be together for eternity.. Just that I don’t think Mookyul has still understood the hurt he has caused Ewon. He needs to experience it to understand the depths of the hurt caused. Ewon took him back much too easily. Ewon should have put him through the wringer before taking him back.

    And honestly how did the old pedo get off so easy? Molesting a kid.. having sex with a kid... continuing to manipulate Mookyul into sex, well into adulthood without so much as a concern.. thinking of Mookyul as a commodity or a lapdog... threatening Ewon physically... trying to leverage his power to get Mookyul to thorough his lover away... showing off his power and money to his ‘sons’ lover#... and the list just goes on..

    Why hasn’t the old pedo suffered a single consequence of his action? ... why is this perpetrator let off scot free? Why hasn’t he brought to task. It would be karmic justice if Ewon were the one to bring the sicko to dust.. that would be like salv to our wounds...
    I want the old pedo to suffer a lot...

Anon_aug June 15, 2019 12:15 am

I was having a tough time understanding the reason Mookyul was going with it. I just couldn’t fathom the reason Mookyul willingly went to bed and still had affection for the old pedo.

I guess I understand a bit of how Mookyul’s brain works now. He is conditioned to think that this is how he is supposed to show his affection & gratitude for his ‘father’, by going to bed with him. So basically he is segregating his feelings for Ewon and the pedo into different compartments. His ‘love’ for his ‘father’ is gratitude & his love for Ewon is that of a lover. He gives sex to the pedo in return for his position, standing & the fact that the pedo gave him a place to belong. The important word is ‘gives’. While he ‘has’ sex with Ewon which includes his sexual satisfaction. The important word here is ‘he himself has’.

But a few questions still remain unclear:
Why does Mookyul abandon Ewon so easily when Ewon wants him to choose when he is obviously obsessing over Ewon?

What are the old pedo’s reasons to make Mookyul his whore?

And how can the old pedo so easily make Mookyul his adoptive son after obsessing over Mookyul for years? Has the old perv gotten over his obsession?

Can’t help but wonder...

    Cold G June 15, 2019 12:46 am

    Some of those questions are answered in a side story about Sangchul

    Anon_aug June 15, 2019 1:35 am
    Some of those questions are answered in a side story about Sangchul Cold G

    It doesn’t answer my question satisfactorily, the reason I threw the questions out here.

    TaigaB June 15, 2019 5:30 am

    For the first question, I would just say it's really hard to leave someone you felt "saved" from. When your parents basically abandon you, whoever takes you in is basically your lifeline- or at least that's what I think.

    And isk the chairman has been a shallow character all this time I don't even want to deal with him :/ a pedo is a pedo so he's obsessed and bc he needed a heir he adopted him I guess

Anon_aug June 14, 2019 12:09 am

I am happy Ewon reacted the way he did coz some assholes need to be taught that a love relationship is an equitable barter. U can’t have all and give half in return. That’s not how it works. That’s for all fucking cheaters.

Anon_aug June 13, 2019 7:47 pm

Ok has the tension between The Boss and Byul, solved coz of Byul kissing his brother? What did I miss?

I guess Mr. Yoon is handling this in a mature manner. And yes this is how u show u r pissed Boss..

Anon_aug June 12, 2019 7:45 am

Ok why is Kou constantly harping about hurting Narumi? Doesnt he understand he also hurt Futaba? And just coz Futaba doesn’t have dead parents, her pain is not valid? Is that it? Why hasn’t he mentioned the shit he makes Futaba go though, not once but multiple times? And narumi is a manipulator.. she clearly is not a good person but gets unwavering attention of Kou until he clears the air with her. Meanwhile Futaba is still lying in the pit of pain. And add to that confusion about another boy coz Kou’s games make her vulnerable. This is just painful to read especially the manipulation that Narumi does to both Kou & Futaba. Also kou’s halfhearted attempts are equally annoying. It didn’t need to be this angsty .. I stop my rant here :)

    I love it July 20, 2019 6:27 am

    Thé title in Japanese is « Ao haru ride » which is a pun and put together it means seishun aka youth so it ultimately it means youth and the blooming of freindship.

    I love it July 20, 2019 6:36 am

    Oh sorry didn’t mean to reply that :/

    Anon_aug July 20, 2019 10:58 pm
    Oh sorry didn’t mean to reply that :/ I love it

    No problem. I didn’t kno what it meant so I got to learn something .. :)

Anon_aug June 10, 2019 3:14 am

I can understand why Ewon is reluctant to give his heart to Mookyul.. He is afraid it will be trampled on.. coz at the end that’s all he really has.. himself.. . and that’s exactly what Mookyul does.. craps on it. Ewon’s reaction later is hardly surprising. If I were in his place I would go batshit crazy.

Just that Mookyul could lie with a straight face makes me cringe. I know that Ewon is no saint and most likely deserves to get a taste of his own medicine but anyone would be fucked up when they are made to feel guilty about a pure relationship between a ‘father figure’ & ‘son’, to later find out the immorality of that relationship. Not only did Mookyul lie, he brazenly declares he won’t stop seeing his ‘father’. Should Ewon have forgiven him later on so easily? I don’t think so.. but the only solace I get is that Ewon gives Mookyul, HELL, when he considers leaving his place to go live with his family.

So none of the characters here are innocent but that doesn’t stop the second hand hurt, I feel for Ewon. I am dreading it for when Ewon finds out.

    Sherlockfighter June 10, 2019 5:40 am

    All you saidd is true. And don't forget to add Ewon just has to look or talk to another guy and Mookyul starts to act possessive. But than he can have a double relationship and Ewon is supposed to take that lying down

    Anon_aug June 10, 2019 6:01 am
    All you saidd is true. And don't forget to add Ewon just has to look or talk to another guy and Mookyul starts to act possessive. But than he can have a double relationship and Ewon is supposed to take that lyi... Sherlockfighter

    Absolutely....and just coz the chairman saved Mookyul as a kid, Ewon is supposed to understand & accept the illicit relationship. Though to be fair to Mookyul doesn’t think of the chairman as a father or father figure clearly, he definitely knows what he has with the chairman needs to be hidden & hence he lies to Ewon multiple times. Mookyul wants Ewon all to himself but doesn’t understand the simplest of concepts of reciprocity in love or otherwise. Just coz the chairman is an important figure in his life, Ewon is supposed to accept it all and not utter a word meanwhile if Ewon as much as looks at another guy, he flips his lid off. I mean how can someone not understand that the other person feels the same way.

    Angie_Angel June 10, 2019 12:06 pm

    Yes, you said it.
    All Ewon really has is his HEART.
    I'm crying again

    Hikikomori June 10, 2019 1:54 pm

    Well Ewon sure has had his fair share of fun and even cheated on his previous partner but it was no mystery to Mookyul. And for a person who has trauma about getting too attatched to someone or something, I think he was pretty devoted to Mookyul. He risked his solitary life that he'd led up to this point to stay with Mookyul and that's why it totally crushed him to know that Mookyul was not entirely faithful and even lied about it. That's why he's so heartbroken and says to mookyul that he has no idea what he's given up just to be with him. To be honest it amazes me how normally and sensibly Ewon turned out given his fucked up childhood. His own mother left him to die in a cave and then after trying so hard so he could see regret on his mother's face for abandoning him, he sees her smiling happily with another child. Even imagining that is cruel but he still keeps himself together and strives to become better in life and decides to live for himself. I know he's not an innocent guy and he has his ugly moments too but then everybody does. That is why I really love and admire Ewon Jung. Actually in some ways Ewon needs Mookyul's possessiveness nevertheless Mookyul is too overbearing sometimes. They both have their flaws but they try to work on it because they love each other. Actually obsessed is more fitting but anyway all's well that ends well.

Anon_aug June 7, 2019 6:27 am

Is there a ch11 missing? It went straight from ch10 to ch11.5?
Also ch11.5 also feels incomplete...

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