I'm looking for yaoi or Josei mangas where the guy falls in love HARD for the first time for this special person and their whole life turns upside down because of this person etc... Im sucker for men with power so there's that too. The girl cannot be a total pussy those turn me off SO fucking much
Thanks in advance!!!

I'm looking for yaoi or Josei mangas where the guy falls in love HARD for the first time for this special person and their whole life turns upside down because of this person etc... Im sucker for men with power so there's that too. The girl cannot be a total pussy those turn me off SO fucking much
Thanks in advance!!!

Hi guys, I just got back from jesus camp and Im having this hugee crush on this youth leader. He's from my school but he's like so holy, so pure and so innocent. I almost feel guilty for liking him haha.
anyways, they have this gathering every Tuesday night but I won't go cause i have ulterior and unpure motives.
I really want to make him mine and its driving me crazy even though I know this is gonna go away in like 2 weeks. Except rn all I think about is him and it takes me every ounce of my willpower to not message him and find him at all.
God is his number one priority, he's a committee member so he's always busy. I haven't felt this way for a long time. Help me. Please.

Firstly, are u a G or B?
Don't rush things. It might just scare him. Try to talk to him with a good approach. Know more about him and all that cliche stuff, be friends w/ him. If he's rejected u in a way that doesn't really want to hurt u if only, if ever u really did confess to him. Then that's it. Don't push for more, and try to be friends with him again. Sorry, that's all I could give for an inexperienced like me. ヽ(´▽`)/ Good Luck.

capture that dick--
haha no srsly, don't go for it... yet. know his background first. like if he liked other girls in the past or had been approached by other ppl like you who like him that way. and if yeah, then ask him what he felt about it. that should give you a hint on what to do next.
anyway, good luck!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Hello! Thanks for the advice! Don't worry Im inexperienced too that's why I get crushes so easily and get infatuated easier xD
I'm a girl, he's 21, he's always so busy, i can barely get a hold of him, it's annoying me that he's so close but I still can't approach him. He's always surrounded by people. He's so charismatic. Ugh

Really? I don't think I stand a chance though.... Like I've never confessed to someone before nor do I plan to.... Because in this context I see no future between us. He's probably moving out if state to study theology (a priest hahaha). And I kinda made a few subtle advances and I don't think he's attracted to me at All. It's like God and the church CONSUMES his ENTIRE being....

I can't possibly ask him all that! I can ask our mutual friends but for some reason I wouldn't be surprised even if he never had a gf. He's super busy and occupied with the church. He's basically giving away his life to the church. We have DRAMATICALLY different religious views wow. Typing all this and the other replies out just cemented how almost impossible this is hahaha

I totally agree... I am a bit biased though..... We have dramatically different views... I don't really believe I jesus.... I might or might not belueve in a god.... I'm agnostic. And he's the exact opposite of me.
its like he breathes and lives jesus. I don't even know why I'm attracted to him.
should I just avoid him altogether until this feeling goes away? I guess it's a good thing he's my senior and I don't see him much.

Seriously, there is no reason behind being infatuated.Some say we fall for them due to their looks but that ain't true cuz I keep having crush over guys who are *ugly according to most of my friends*.So, just enjoy this period,feel excited when you see him,because it will fade away with time. TBH, I really enjoy when I crush over someone,lol... but sometimes it seriously hurts when I realize that the other party is not at all interested in me romantically and I start pitying myself T_T. But if your desire is really intense then make the 1st move.Interact with him even more if he is over religious so that you end up getting annoyed by him, hee hee. I always tend to interact more with people to check if we are compatible and also, so that I don't regret later.

if you really like him, understand and keep in mind that he's really committed to the church you're referring to and hitting on him is a really dangerous move since sexual immorality (boyfriends/girldfriends) are really sensitive topics inside a church. You wouldnt want to take that away from him just like that right? also, it's okay to admire someone but that doesnt mean that you should pursue a romantic, or sexual relationship sometimes, just like that. that's reality girl, not all stars are meant to be discovered..

same anonymous lad speaking, one more thing. stop attending a church you're not willing to commit with. you're just causing trouble for the serious ones and wasting your time. a church is not a place to look for hotties.

Don't go for it!!!.. I'm a Christian, but I'm also a fujoshi. Honestly its so hard for me to find people who will accept all of me ... I know how it feels to like breaking someone who is holy , pure, and innocent..XD,.. But I just let it past... Religious people who are totally in it might just don't understand you, think of you as wrong, and will try to correct you ( since you said that you're totally opposite),.. They might be a total pain in the ass in the long run.
( it's ironic for me to say this,.. I know..XD) especially ifthe religion is the conservative type...

Same can be said for secular people who strongly support ideologies. Toxic is toxic.

Sorry but somehow I don't really agree at least secular people won't force u to do things u don't like to do like wearing certain respectful clothes . Praying all the day and asking God for forgiveness even when u don't do anything wrong , hating homos and not dating people from other religions my classmate had a religious bf and he hurt her a lot with his crazy ideas just cuz they don't think the same way

I think u should stay away and hit your heart till he forget cuz if u don't do it know u might hate him in the future so why not keeping a good impression about him ? First he will start complaining about the way you wear then to every small detail about your life till he achieves your personality and way of thinking so he can make u his princess of faith or a Jesus slave whatever those people who spend most of their times in mosques , churches and shrines are nothing but scared people who think that they will live a good perfect life with no problems when they fallow the orders and paths of God and their religions and that's not true cuz they are very annoying to others and don't even understand their religions well = they are just hopeless poor people who like annoying every other one different from them and to be honest why would someone like a guy who say hallelujah every second ? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

You don't have to be religious to support "traditional views," to be homophobic, or to be discriminatory against other religions. There are plenty of people calling women sluts for wearing shorts, and they identify as atheists. There are plenty of people who generalize Islamic religions and muslims, and they can identify as atheists too.
I don't know why you want to paint religion as something that "makes people bad," when they are horrible people in every ideology imaginable.

YEAAAAHH omg I have very questionable standards. Im not trying to sound conceited but I've been told I'm very pretty it's just that I have a very very tomboy and unladylike personality hahaha.
It's semester break now and I can only see him next Tuesday and tbh I'm going a little out of my mind now because I don't know why but I miss him so bad and I really really want to see him.
I'll try interacting with him more appropriately and hope that his jesusness turns me of quickly.
I also love getting crushes because it makes me feel really giddy inside but sometimes it also brings me great pain and frustration haha
Thanks for you advice!!!!

Religions have nothing to do with that I live in a Muslim country where everyone is free to wear anything he or she wants it's just about your way of thinking and according to my experience with different people seculars were more open-minded and able to accept the others than religious Muslims and Christians
I need Josei romance mangas please....
like sekine kun no Koi. I'm so fucking bored I need fluff and in the mood for straight relationships
Please and thanks in advance in so fucking bored I need to study but omg I don't want to
i haven't read sekine kun no koi but this is pretty good
also http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/vampire_girl/
Thankssss love