October 2018 i found this website. It was illegal for sure but for many years i learned so much from this site. thanks to this i was able to find myself loving and accepting my self as a gay teen. It was i long journey and through my hard ship i always read this and able to cope up with the depression. I thank you guys for everything without this i wouldn't find my self. Now i know what i want in my life and finally i have enough reason to live (cliché). I wish that this website will not be closed. It's fun while it lasted and i must say this site is much better not because it's free but because it has a active community and very accessible site. If only this site is legal i would pay for this. Thank you all im gonna miss you but this will always be in my heart, mind and soul. Even if most ending are sad.the ballad of story is worth the try who knows maybe we might learn from it. In the future i want to also an artist even if it's late and im gonna share to you all guys i love you

Hey guys saw this on Google but couldn't find the title. Please tell me im desperate

Can anyone tell me what yaoi manga i read a while ago? So seme is very quiet and uke has a feeling of seme. I think they start dating not sure. Then one night he got jealous of his girl best friend because she is seme's ex. Girl bff visit seme because he was sick and uke got jealous after that girl bff explain that even though they dated it was nothing romantically and they better off as friends. Uke then talks to seme. Please help me i read like a year ago

Hmmm… is it scanlated yet?
Here’s some similar:

I've been seeing a lot of sad feedback about 10 years where i loved you the most and I'm actually skeptical reading it. Can anyone summarize it for me idc if it spoil me i just want to know the plot and story(⊙…⊙ )

Go there and scroll down a bit till you get to the comments section (not topics section), there are comments that have spoilers about the main parts of the story.

i really suck at explaining things, so sorry if this seems confusing. if i remember correctly, its starts off with a couple who’ve been together since high school. and one guy kinda knows that the other is cheating on him, since he’s not around a lot and only really comes home for sex late at night. (he also hits him sometimes) and so one day he (not the cheater dude) gets a terminal illness (without telling his husband) and now frequently visits the hospital for medical reasons. his doctor falls in love with him, and they start spending more time together inbetween treaments (just as friends) the cheater husband gets angry that he’s spending all his time outside and he thinks that he’s cheating on him too. it kinda escalates from there. id really recommend reading it though.

I avoided the story for a long time because I can't deal with depressing stories either. However, I finally read it some days ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. I cried for hours after finishing it. But it was worth a read cause I learnt important life lessons about treasuring important people around us and i got to read a way more realistic story compared to others.

Heres what happened
The cheater and uke was inlove with eachother in their highschool days but their relationship faded as soon as they grew up and the cheater even hits the uke and fights with each other oftenly
The uke knows the cheater is cheating and hes actually glad because if he dies there someone that would replace him
The cheater broke off with his side bitch and the side bitch desperately begged to not to but he got beated up by the cheater when the sidebitch went to their house and showed hat he took the cheaters wedding ring
After that the sidebitch got depressed and died
The cheater decided to atleast change a bit and take care of the uke but when he left for work the uke went to the doctor The doctor took the uke away from the cheater (i think they moved to another country idk)
After that the cheater immediately tried a his best to find the uke using all his money for them and when his friend went to their apartment to investigate he saw the drugs the uke was taking for cancer and when he discovered that the cheater wasn't aware of this he punched him and said "how dare you say you love him, you beat him up force yourself on him and hit him, and you aren't aware of his sickness?!?" (Or something like that)
The cheater suffered as soon as he heard about the ukes condition and desperately searched for the uke and he started to regret all the things he did
(Back to the uke)
After the doctor moved him away
The doctor wants to love him but the uke doesn't want the doctor to suffer more cause hes already dying and doesn't wanna led the doctor on
And it was only a matter of time before thet got found and when the cheater tried to see the uke he didn't let himself be seen
And the cheater made a deal with the doctor that he finds a compatible organ (to transplant to the uke so he would be saved) but bring the uke back to him as a replacement
But they found the organ but it was taken away by another person
In the end the uke died in the doctors arms but the ukes last dreams was his memories when he was in loved with the cheater when they were in highschool
After hearing the devastating news the cheater went mentally unstable due to the shocked that he could no longer see his lover again
The end

In the novel after the ukes death the cheater suffered and shutted himself in their apartment waiting for the uke to come home (because he refused to believe the uke died because he didn't see it for himself)
And later on he went around the world (as it is the ukes dream to travel) and wrote letters about the places and sends it to the uke (their apartment where they used to live) and he put all his money to support the researchers researching for the sickness that the uke had (as an atonement for his sins) and four months later he killed himself due to loneliness

Hey please tell me what manga is this i wannna know so bad im desperate ╥﹏╥. Let me know
Hey guys can anyone send me the link where it says mangago will be in trial in 2 months from now? Please
Wait, trial month?
How much of it was true, though?
I guess... Them suing this site...
But this is one of the sites that I would be able to read...there are some that i managed to buy either digitally or physical to support the mangaka
Well... What can we do.... All we can do is wait... And truthfully speaking.... I don't think that this site gonna get banned since this one is a foreign site and if mangago were to delete those authors' works then there wouldn't be a point to them to sue this site... And I guess in order to sue this site... They have to go to international court.... Tho it will be another thing if mangago created is from Korea.... Since that way they'll be from the same country and even if they do... It's not like mangago themselves uploaded the chapter... It's like Instagram to be sued bcz one of ig user posted other people's pics or anything....
Lets just see if it's true or not. From what I've seen, there's not enough evidence to bak it up.