I so adore Jung Bin & Wonwoo as characters especially
Their relationship to Lee Sayong. Especially Wonwoo, like he literally raised that brat and helped him in his goal, seeing his relationship with Lee sayoung, he seems like the chillest guy ever lol I wish we got more of him.
(Also adore Jung Bin & J relationship, wish we got more of that too)

Does anyone know where to find the raws ? (not interested by novel link, I have already read it)

Do you mean the raws for the manhua or novel? Either way, here’s both lol
Novel: https://www.zhenhunxiaoshuo.com/quanqiugaokao/
Manhunt: https://m.happymh.com/manga/quanqiugaokao

I’m surprise people actually care about the rating system lol it’s always been absolutely useless on this hell of a website. I even forgot it exist lol
Personally I just click if I like the art and then read the synopsis and sometimes the comments. To get a feel for it. Also goes with recs or tags a lot since those are more trustworthy usually.

Okay well. Could have been a great toxic story.
Too bad half way through Mirai got forgiven so easily and then everything went fluffy like all the bad stuff from previous chapters never happened lol
Last chapter was wild, casually mentioning past SA and being like « but it’s fiiine it was a few weeks ago plus now I like him so eveything’s good hehe. »
About the last raw chapter:
I hope seo eunsung destroy jaeha. Also the nightmare thingy got me really worried, I fear everyone will get to see taegun’s trauma which is something he obviously (And understandably so) wants to keep private.
Tbh I wonder if Jaeha tricked taegun with several men instead of just one (one is already horrible, but several is worst) In some way, it remind me of the Giselle Pelicot’s case and I really fucking hate it. Based on that, I do think if Taegun ‘s past come out due to nightmare for everyone to see, people will be on his side. But still that gotta be horrible to have the world witness your traumas and past rapes.
I hope Jaeha suffers terribly.
It’s going to suck, but I think the fact that he was tagged by Nightmare will finally let the whole world see the type of scum Jaeha is. Since nobody really knows how his powers work, he’s tricked everyone, but in Nightmare, the dungeon exploits the person’s worst memories , so it may be the only (unfortunate) way to expose that scumbag.
Yeah but I don’t think it’s necessary for jaeha to be exposed as a scumbag to the whole world for him to pay. There’s a ton of way the plot could make him suffer low-key without taegun having to pay part of the price, so I just honestly feel bad for taegun if that’s what going to happen ;_;
Please what’s the chapter number? I want to know when it’s time to stop reading and skip some chapters…
What are you trying to skip? Taegun’s past with Jaeha?
That’s covered in chapter 52.
Yes, thank you <3