i spent the last 4 days catching up to the raws and slept regularly till 4am so i just wanna say a /FEW/ things:
Qin family, you raised Qin Shiyao so game recognizes game
I wish Jinghua and Xi have a HE!! this deserves more overseas recognition!!! they're codependent lovers your honor!!! they had (implied) sex inside a metaphysical mind space!!!! they can't LIVE without each other!!! they are each other's GODS!!! THEY MET FOR THE FIRST TIME WHEN XI WAS STILL IN HIS MOTHERS WOMB!!!!

it's definitely NOT confirmed but who says we can't dream??!?
spoiler chs below
it's in s4 when jinghua enters xi's "sea of the soul" chs456-459 then a snippet is seen again in a panel from ch462

they're both assholes and cross each other's boundaries OML. does consensual sex mean nothing to them?

To everyone just now disappointed because of this chapter, I'd like you to refer back to the start of the story when Leo fucked JJ and left him there before the reward ceremony. One of JJ's reasons for breaking up was that Leo just wanted sex whenever he wanted (Chapter 7), regardless of what JJ felt about it. Is that an excuse for JJ to rape him? Absolutely not, fuck JJ.
Also, in this chapter, we learned from Leo that JJ hates outdoor sex. Que back to Chapter 1. In fiction, this can be regarded as "dubious consent." If it's not a yes, then it's definitely a NO. In the end, dubious consent is still rape. Leo has also coerced JJ to have sex with him. Fuck Leo, too.
I am not defending JJ's actions nor justifying him. Both Leo and JJ disrespected each other's boundaries and from the start, this was not a healthy relationship. If your partner pressures you to have sex whenever they want and won't understand the basic concept of consent, DUMP THEIR ASS and REPORT THEM. What JJ did here is fucking disgusting.

You are literally the only person I've seen who pointed out the parallels of this chapter and chapter 1. If this scene is dub-con then that one is too cause JJ wasn't into it and tried getting Leo to stop but he placed his hand over his month and continued riding him like he was his personal dildo. Then he also came on the dude and left him with his dick out to clean up the mess... just like what JJ did this chapter.
Yeah JJ was wrong for taking out his frustrations on Leo through angry, rough sex. But the vitriol being aimed at JJ while simultaneously letting Leo off the hook is mad stupid, I started trolling them.
At first I thought Leo toxic and JJ needed to communicate more but now they're just BOTH toxic and both need to work on themselves ALONE. I doubt the author is gonna go that route cause they typically don't flesh out these kinds of stories but we'll see
? I was skeptical about rereading this cuz everyone keep regretting it but it's fine? there's issues in it but it's mostly about the handling of mental illnesses and the lack of professional help given to the main cast. "the power of love" cliche doesn't do well went it comes to resolving mental health issues