
The website is very flashy so approach with caution if you have a history of seizures
The website is very flashy so approach with caution if you have a history of seizures
(Mini spoilers ig)Anyone here read the raws cause I need someone to explain the ending to me JUST WHAT HAPPENED TO SETH IT WAS ALL GOING SO WELL AFTER TYE TRIAL LIKE HE LEFT BUT SOMEHOW HE GOT BACK TO HORATH I don't know any korean so im very confused I would appreciate some help:,)
"The end of S1 is CH 73. All the extras which come after CH 73 are fanservice set in AU and not related to the story. The explicit Horus/Slave Seth is NOT part of the story, it’s NOT CANON" (copy pasting someone else's explanation, we can thank Syxx for this one)
Oh omg thank you cause I was so confused- and the way the story was going with trauma and reactions to it I was so confused at the end cause the author couldn't have possibly ended s1 so bad(with a r*pe victim being r*ped..again..)