amimie May 6, 2024 11:10 pm

The fact this manga got such high ratings is just mind-boggling... :')

    Average person May 6, 2024 11:11 pm

    Same here, it's mainly due to the cute art style TBH... The story is ass, the characters are ass, and the author is ass.

    amimie May 6, 2024 11:15 pm
    Same here, it's mainly due to the cute art style TBH... The story is ass, the characters are ass, and the author is ass. Average person

    I feel you. l felt the author was always like: Never let them know your next move... x))

    Average person May 6, 2024 11:25 pm
    I feel you. l felt the author was always like: Never let them know your next move... x)) amimie

    Sameee, the ending was so bad too. It's not even satisfying. Plus, the unnecessary side story is so ass.

amimie April 22, 2024 3:03 pm

The day that ml starts begging, I'd feel he became too OOC, I won't believe it. x)

amimie March 22, 2024 12:57 am


If that's the author's definition of a power-bottom... (the cheating part; or what I think she meant to portray him as: sexually liberated)

PS: they (the author's ukes) all turn meek at the end...

amimie March 22, 2024 4:21 pm

The story was great, but it was rated less than 9. As I though, it wasn't because of story or character building or the quality of the drawings, but because he called him his "wife".

And there you got mediocre story, writing and drawing, but because it checks all the right boxes it can get as high as 9.5. (and I'm not talking about webtoons that can easily reach that high)

If the uke was bothered by that shit, I might agree with you, because it would be blatant disrespect. But he doesn't even care if he calls him his wife, his mummy, or even his carrot, so why would the rest of y'all do... :'))
You can call a man "queen", "bitch", "diva"... but as soon as it is "wife" it becomes the W word... I don't get you, honestly...

amimie March 20, 2024 8:47 pm

that bitch-chan is a real bitch, he sure got his revenge on jin. And Yamato's real dumb x)

amimie February 29, 2024 10:35 pm

I feel like having a crossdressing top/bottom defeats the purpose of bl. x)

    Clo February 29, 2024 10:51 pm

    Cross dressing doesn’t erase your gender? A man can cross dress as a woman and still be a man.

    amimie February 29, 2024 10:56 pm

    I know, obviously. I'm just not very enthusiastic about this being fetishized in manga and such.

    amimie February 29, 2024 11:01 pm

    Also, in reality, when men crossdress, they still look like men. (most of the time)
    In mangas...

    Clo February 29, 2024 11:02 pm
    I know, obviously. I'm just not very enthusiastic about this being fetishized in manga and such. amimie

    It’s a manga, it’s clearly not realistic. But yeah I get what you’re saying.

    somnia February 29, 2024 11:03 pm

    I feel like that's just you not vibing with it-
    Have you heard of drag? A good majority of drag queens are gay. If it had to show up anywhere then it would be in gay media-

    amimie February 29, 2024 11:35 pm
    I feel like that's just you not vibing with it- Have you heard of drag? A good majority of drag queens are gay. If it had to show up anywhere then it would be in gay media- somnia

    I think so too.
    Now that I think about it, it may be because of these plots of "some average guy who thinks he's found himself a cute girl then gets tricked and assaulted over and over again." (I took it from some other comment)
    I don't think people in real life would like to be portrayed in this predatory way. When it is romanticized, it feels even more wrong.

    So after doing some retrospecting, I guess because these stories always involve some degree of deceit or even rape that I'm not very comfortable with mangas depicting crossdressing tops now. ^^

    Riaya March 1, 2024 6:04 am

    In a couple chapters they have sex without the crossdressing more often and the bottom also crossdresses too. Top still is fem though so if you don't care for pretty boys then I say drop it

    xen March 1, 2024 7:47 am

    why r u even reading this if u don't like it? imao

    somnia March 1, 2024 10:12 am
    I think so too. Now that I think about it, it may be because of these plots of "some average guy who thinks he's found himself a cute girl then gets tricked and assaulted over and over again." (I took it from s... amimie

    You def have a point here tho in the end. This kinda depiction is a cliche by now and you're valid for feeling uncomfortable with it. You CAN look at it as more of a power-fantasy, where the crossdresser "the femine gay" dominates the asshole of an asshole (insert laugh track here), but looking beyond that it's totally become a more negative stereotype too.

    Big tiddy goth gf March 1, 2024 1:50 pm
    I feel like that's just you not vibing with it- Have you heard of drag? A good majority of drag queens are gay. If it had to show up anywhere then it would be in gay media- somnia

    i will say though a good majority of people that request drag performers for favors are straight men, so if the top is femme throughout it does kinda defeat the purpose still lol

amimie February 26, 2024 11:32 pm

The story isn't bad at all, in fact, the characters seem more realistic, but it's still a bit frustrating.

It's just funny to see how people always sympathies more with the uke. If the seme was the one who had been in the uke's position, everyone'll be like, well the other made it clear that he was still in love with his ex from the start so he should have known what he's getting himself into, and they'd have never badmouthed the uke.
Instead, everyone's like, "poooor baby uke", "seme is such an ass" and whatsoever.
Double standards are so scary... x)

amimie February 11, 2024 12:17 am

People keep saying he should have chosen the two dudes who liked him. They're a 10 and what not. But I mean, it's not his fault if he doesn't like them back. You can't always control who you're attracted to. I'm not saying that seme is all that, and I know how frustrating it seems but... this is just so human, to reach for the only thing you don't have. ^^

amimie January 11, 2024 3:18 pm

Please, can anyone recommend me a similar manga!!!

amimie January 5, 2024 4:49 am

The seme just looks so weird, it's really disturbing for me x))
Small face, big hands, long neck, big body. It's so funny, reminding me of the old BL style, can't concentrate.

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