I really don’t understand Sasya emotions and actions. Like when he wanted to sleep with Karel and got drunk to get the courage to do it and then give Karel the cold shoulder for no reason the next morning despite him being a sweetheart. Granted I gave Sasya the benefit of the doubt because he went through a lot and just because Karel is obsessed with him doesn’t mean he has to love him back, but Sasya had 100% the choice to leave Karel and took the train but decided not to go and stayed with him essentially stringing Karel along making him believe they can be happy together. Although the whole story has not been told, it is hinted that Karel took the fall for Sasya killing somebody and while Karel was out at war, Sasya decided to leave their house and set out to be a dancer, nothings wrong with that but what is wrong is that Sasya never wrote or visited Karel once from my understanding while he was fighting in the war FOR HIM basically abandoning him. What really made me pissed to start this whole rant was because I thought Sasya was hoeing himself to become famous only for Sasya himself state that he got famous and success from his own abilities, THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HOEING YOURSELF OUT, and know after all the emotional turmoil he put Karel through he’s telling him he wants him, like bro what? I literally don’t understand the emotional rollercoaster he’s putting everyone through, even his maid is confused by his actions. I’ma still read it maybe more information will help me understand why he does the things he does and I just want to see Karel and his brother have a happy ending.
Is it just me or was the chapter really really short