Haesoo has had enough. That last line where he went “just like how I was” seemed to me a clear indication that he can see himself through Jowoon’s actions, the past him. The one who desperately longed for the raw love he once searched for in Jowoon’s heart. He’s just unable to actually avoid Jowoon, he’s shackled with chains of unending reasons as to why he couldn’t, just easily tell Jowoon to fuck off. (esp. ‘ i hate how you talk to me’ proceeds to not say anything..) Somehow he’s still attached.... but honestly his love has become tired and worn out... atleast that’s how I saw it.
Uhhhh i love how the words were brought out. So wonderfully thought and... dark. and how the rope was emphasized to say the stalker was insecure without it. damn, can he cook for me too?
Haesoo has had enough. That last line where he went “just like how I was” seemed to me a clear indication that he can see himself through Jowoon’s actions, the past him. The one who desperately longed for the raw love he once searched for in Jowoon’s heart. He’s just unable to actually avoid Jowoon, he’s shackled with chains of unending reasons as to why he couldn’t, just easily tell Jowoon to fuck off. (esp. ‘ i hate how you talk to me’ proceeds to not say anything..) Somehow he’s still attached.... but honestly his love has become tired and worn out... atleast that’s how I saw it.
Yup I agree.