With all the blueballs the artist should make it at peast 3 chapters

Most boring guideverse story ever

Should've inject her with insect repellent


Mc is annoying, pick me, loose puss-dick, unemployed, leeches off his family

rendang daging makan daging asked a question

Are there any bl that feels like tou are reading shounen

Byul is so annoying everyone knows that if your parents never talk abt a certain relative then never go take the initiative to connect with them omg this rape baby istg... like father like son type of annoyness

Are there any links to the merchs? I really want to buy some (=・ω・=)

How manh times the same chapter has been upload like i get it official chapters, diff translators but please stop it

I really like this ,all of them are complex characters. Theyve already freed of sins in this new life so its kind of nice for season 2 to be fully of giddy stuffs while occasional flashbacks and yes, trauma responses. It was nice. The angst, romance and comedy are balanced.

I havent read it, does anyone know if the manhwa show mc having sex w her ex husband

Left for months and ssn 2 only have 2 chapters... issokay