Rui_Vi created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung is a little shit, but he acts more like a misandrist if anything. Im gonna assume it's due to his past/childhood. He is a major asshole to other men, especially weak men. And that comes from a place of self-projection. He used to be weak and had to work hard to get as strong as he did and make it to the top of the competition. Dan probably reminds him of his past self which makes JK lash out even more against him.

But when it comes to women and children, I think JK might actually have a soft spot for them. Not in the typical sense. But he wouldn't be as rude and mean to them as he is to men. The proof is in the episode with Dan's grandma. Im curious as to what they talked about and JK's form of communicating. I don't think JK is the type to fake a different personality. He is very cut throat and blunt, so I don't see him pretending to be nice to anybody. And as for kids, I think JK wouldn't be harsh to them because even though they are weak, it's not due to fault of their own. Kids rely on adults to protect them.

I think JK is tougher on people he thinks have the ability of defending themselves, and if they cannot, then he has no respect for them. I think respect is the key word. He has no respect for others unless they showcase strength. So that could also be a reason JK was nicer to Dan's grandma upon meeting her because she is basically battling a terrible illness and that takes strength.

Anyways, nothing ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I'm probably way off the mark, but that's just my thoughts.

Rui_Vi created a topic of Love in Orbit

I wish Sohan could tell Sihwa the truth :( Sihwa might get upset a bit that his dad died at first but I think the whole hunt for his dad thing might be an excuse without him realizing it at this point. The only thing that matters to him now is being with Sohan.

Rui_Vi created a topic of Gig of the Day
Rui_Vi created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

You gotta be some special type of high to understand wtf is happening in this story

Rui_Vi created a topic of Secretary to Stage

Oh man I just read all the chapters and Im glad I did. It made my morning. This story is so freaking funny and unserious I love it . I love the CEO so much he's hilarious and such a needy puppy-like top. He is my favorite flavor of top lmao.

My favorite is seeing him cry because he wants secretary Lee's attention

I gotta say that I like Heosob too though...
to me he has more natural chemistry with secretary Lee. Im a bit sad about that because Im rooting hard for CEO Kang But it seems to me that secretary Lee really does just like him as a super fan and nothing more.

Rui_Vi created a topic of Jinx

Is this what a disappointed mother feels like? Because I sure feel like one.

Potato is always quick to come to Jaekyung's defense for anything. He is always the first one to shout and kick around for someone that doesn't see him as an equal or gives him the time of day. Yet he can't say shit for Dan? Dan who always looks out for everyone?

Why is everyone turning their back on Dan now? :( They learned nothing from Dan getting drugged in Jaekyung's place? It's obvious someone wants to sabbotage Jaekyung but they want to blame Dan? Messed up. I hate them all.

I was baited to read this because of the art style and I loved the way the sex scenes are drawn, and I loved where the story was going at first but I got irritated when Akira decided to quit rock climbing and make Kazuma the center of his universe (and not in an endearing or fun kind of way)

I get that he struggles with relationships because he never had friends or a lover before. He is scared to lose the person he loves. But his level of obsession is so off-putting to me. Usually I dont care much about that. In fact I love when a couple is all over each other and is obsessing over one another. I can even handle a lot of toxicity in a BL, crazy amounts of it. But that's only because we hardly ever get to see the more in depth connections the main characters have with people outside their little lover's nest. We only ever catch a glimpse of their lives outside of their relationship. Very surface level stuff that you hardly pay much attention to anything other than the couples.

Here we got to see how evolved and happy Akira was at finding friends and a hobby. It upset me to see him reduce himself to just some lovesick guy. His whole life people treated him like he was some boring robotic loser. He just needed to find the right people that understood him, encouraged him, and helped him out of his shell little by little. But you're telling me he is willing to throw that all away for one person? I hate it. Kazuma is willing to go out of his way for his friends, and he can have a life outside of their relationship so why cant Akira do that too? Its unfair.

Anyways. That being said, I got bored really quick after that and I found myself skipping through most of it, even the sex scenes. That never happens for me. Like we all know why we are here. We cant pass on some incredible and beautifully drawn smut. But the author HAD to get real and give us actual plot that made the story more fun to read, only to have it all taken away in the most annoying way possible :')

I kept going though because it seemed like they were able to resolve their issues, they communicated their concerns it was all going okay and BAM. We are back at square one. Akira is out here tryna make friends with the neighbor, trying to grow as a person only for him to get held back yet again.

Like is this supposed to be a sexy and wholesome bl? Or was it always meant to be sexy and toxic? I can live with it being one or the other but not both. Don't play with my emotions this way ( ̄へ ̄)