Yume no Tenshi created a topic of Double House

Please, say it's a lie... I need more of the 3 of them... All of them show little pieces I see throughout my life... This made my chest feel warmth and comfort... Like a hug, beautiful and sad that is preparing for a parting and will make you tear up, but always cherish that moment...

Yume no Tenshi created a topic of Shiga Hime

I love how mixed the reactions are here. If I said I had fun... Will I be just as bad as Miwako? All she wanted was to play. She played. Unfortunately the toys she chose were humans. And suffered a whole hell lot. Murase... Hirota and Tachibana. I like how this is a "love triangle" ( which is incorrect to say, as Tachibana and Hirota like Murase) but I also love how that works both as a background and the focus of the story. The 4 sisters were just sick fucks who were immortal and did not give a singlr flying fuck about anything. They saw 2 dogs one day and thought: "huh..." And started to interfere with humans. I liked how the other blood races were passing through loneliness and a hollowness that follows immortality but in a more decadent and suffering way. My favorite one is the lady that died for her familar.

My thoughts on the main characters is that they all show how blatant and present human weaknesses and raw emotions can shape one's life. Obviously this doesn't translate literally to reality. But when Hirota and Tachibana fought over Murase's death they said their motives for although forced to keep pursuing and living as familiars with their respective "owners". And also when Murase became twisted and admitted to using Tachibana and how she obsessed over Hirota.

Miwako... She was honestly my favorite. She was a bitch, no excuses, no worries, no trying to minimize. Just doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants and in a convoluted and condensed way. When she was abandoned and broken by her own expectations she created for Hirota... Ah beautiful tears, the best moment wjere all her character culminated and the end made a lot of sense to me, as she won't change, although hurt by her own emotions over Hirota, she still keeps on.

Her sister on the opposite spectrum, also liked having Tachibana in reality and he did teach her, as she changed in the end, she chose death, she wanted to be killed. She was bored, resentful and didn't really like the way Miwako acted ( I think, not sure, but I read this by their interactions) I like how although she abandoned Tachibana, she wanted him to come.

That's it. I just enjoyed this thoroughly. Have a nice day. Don't be a dick in real life, create art that can satisfy your dirty deep desires and control them :) don't do crimes ^^!


I want to kill all the bad people who made him suffer._. Then get him a good stable home where he can go to school and be treated with dignity and care... Who knows what he can achieve.... Therapy is mandatory and needed but I believe he can be happy.

That doesn't feel like an ending??? And even though it was painful, it wasn't fulfilling>:( yes, pains and sorrows, regrets and HALF BAKED ASS EXCUSES!!! Fuckkkkkk! Angel/birdie

Wasted precious sleep time... And still couldn't stomach another 40~ish chapterzs, I stopped reading by ch 62 cause it was 3am... But I just wanted to know how it would end... And idk.-. Just more mess but nothing really changed like, MC and ML got together, wow. Shockers. Darin still is a mess and hurt and dropped out??? Dnsndndnd and Pear.... Idk, I saw how he loved Darin still.... That even in his FECKING WEDDING VENUE, looked for Darin Cherry... Fuck, the story is about him.-. It's THE LITERAL TITLE, and still, home boi mommy issues douchbag Darin didn't get a real ending or closure or any sort of help/satisfactory explanation as to where all the pain could have turned around.... He, just dropped out of hs, got a modeling job and is still hurt/learning how to live with his demons... Alone and seemingly bitter and struggling and unhappy... None of the cast is around him anymore, and no new friends or helping professionals were presented... Mc couldn't and shouldn't be around, Cherry too, and his "friend" keeps being a weird clown bastard who is "serious" but also dead brain rot who just datss and makes a mess and isn't helpful in any way.^. Sage... She also was affected and used and broken by Darin, so even if she wanted to help, it was also obsession, which Darin already suffers from to compensate his complexes and traumas .wowowowow. So idk... I think, as the title has his name, it should be about him... He's not exactly a yandere, he is broken tp a degree nobody with their age could help, professional help and someone who could be a friend, call him out and a supporting and caring place is what he needs. Not to depend on it, but count on it and be able to use all the smart he uses to manipulate to his own good :( he is brilliant in a way... He just couldn't use for something good for those around him and himself...

Yume no Tenshi created a topic of Non Zero Sum

I feel sick reading this.^.

I think Mashiro loved the 3 of them, but was always so caught up into rationalizing and understanding theirselves that they hurt those aroumd them.... The way this was made is really peculiar, and I like the art... It's such a weird feeling, not bad nor good, some regrets along the way, some happiness and sorrowfulness all the way, to each in their own way... Pain is beautiful somehow, it's growth and life. I don't trully know as well what I wanted to happen with Mashiro, Kureha or Sou... Even the senpai :( I, I just liked how it was kinda like nothingness and forgiving somehow, overcoming and literally rebirth/birth with pain and pleasure, with complexes and all. It's just soothing and uncomfortable at the same time. Like something that feels confusing and bad but also lures you in and astound you, mesmerize and gives you a wonder feeling

Yume no Tenshi created a topic of Kalimeris Porno

This manga was shit.^. The only good part was that I learned on the comments about intersex people and how the term hermaphrodite is not medically correct :0 it's even considered a slur :0!!!

Yume no Tenshi followed a goer

alex and no.'s thick dick daddy 
#1 Professional complainer and criticiser 

Bombing toilets harder than ISIS since 2005
Reading shit on this website dont make me gay suck my dick u bitches
19 and yeah i caused 9/11 Some of my takes are L's but most of the time im not trippin
Active Hitorijime My Hero and Oujo to Bakenkun hater please authors kys 
If i stop replying I've forgotten or lost interest 

Many people believe sexual assault derives from desire. But no, its actually based on violence. Its a distorted desire to dominate and trample on another person. The act of sexual violence can only ever be considered a form of violence enacted to humiliate and destroy someone for a form of gratification (believe it or not rape is usually rooted in nonsexual motives).  No amount of change can justify the perpetrators actions nor can it reverse the impact it has on the victim.  

The main justification for fictitious rape porn is the fact that it is, fiction.  But that only contributes to the big role pornography in general plays in rape culture. Pornography has a very distinct position in RC. Within porn, sex and violence are interconnected which can train people to be aroused by violent sex. This sends the incorrect message to the  viewer that this is what ‘normal sex’ looks like. A lot of porn is explicitly ‘rape porn’ which portrays the incorrect message that people enjoy rape and that sexual  is normal. The media (TV shows, books, art, social media) plays a very  important role in rape culture as well. It can desensitise people to the seiousness of sexual violence, sexualises and objectifies victims bodies, and often sympathises with perpetrators instead of  survivors. This is not to say reading or watching fictious rape pornography is inherently wrong but it is to say that justifying and supporting it only increases the stigma around rape and often impacts real victims exposed to this sort of media.  

Consent is like FRIES. 
FREELY GIVEN, meaning no coercion of any form is used.
REVERSIBLE, meaning consent can be taken back at any point.
INFORMED, meaning you can only consent if you know the full story, for example, if someone says they'll use a condom and then they dont, there isn't full consent.
ENTHUSIASTIC, meaning you only do the  things you actually want to do, not the things you feel are expected to do, so if you want to have sex but dont want to go down on someone, that is perfectly valid. 
SPECIFIC, because a yes to foreplay on a Thursday is not a yes to sex the following Monday. Just because you said yes one time, it does not mean they have consent for any other time. There must be consent every time. 




Tell me if i finally fixed this fuckin bio cause i aint doin this shit again

03 09,2023

best side character ^^! She was full on board supporting her brother even if she got some info wrong ><! That's love and respect right there :)