Yume no Tenshi February 6, 2024 12:53 am

Ah.-. Makes me wanna be up all night hanking pankyas friskiest as I can.-. Hell... And unfortunately, after all this time denying it... I have to admit it: I am a masochist bottom.-. Fuck. Aaaaa

Yume no Tenshi February 3, 2024 5:52 am

The past is about conservative parents(homophobic) who were toxic to each other already( mom was in a cult, dad got her out but she was obsessed ober him, he apparently beat her up some times??? And was very domineering over the rest of the fam as well). Sis hated how the family "functioned", she rejected the weird "love compensation" ( I think mom confided in her her past and what was actually happening, as she was older and more perceptive). Her younger sibling was jealous of her for a long time, and also got that "compensation love" while always been compared to his older sister. Dad and mom always made snarky hostile comments about homossexual people, and both of their children already were emotionally abused and now feared being outted as they both are not straight at all.

Bro has an episode in school were a son of a pastor kiss him and tells everyone the bro liked it as a joke, but as the bro is in fact gay he feels more and more tense as people suspected him. He lashes out one day at the bi pastor son( who has a huge crush on the bro) and injures him. Because he is so afraid of being outted and it reaching his parents he just isolates himself. When sis and parents go out on a funeral of another artist( who is saod to be gay and the parents talk shite about him >:( bastards) he starts to fear more. The sis is already kinda used to the dysfunctional family and lashes out sometimes as well when she receives compensation for the emotional abuse :v
So this is were I get a little blindsided and confused: the parents died on the way to the funeral, sis survived although she got pretty injured and it has left scars on her arm and neck( she says to her gf she "killed her parents? Not sure if she literally has something to do/caused the accident or just feel guilty towards her brother for having survived and took his parents from him, cause even if she hated them, she knew her bro needed his parents[he grew up feeling inferior and needed his parents aproval even if he never did well on academics and was in fact gay as well])
Then she recovers a little and without much explanation she sends him abroad to Canada??? Apparently he stayed there for couple years or so, after she works as an artist( just like her dad ) she calls him back( she has a gf, but also has been in a weird contract relationship with her coworker [who has met the bro, and refers to the siblings as dogs weirdo] he "takes care of her" [i feel like he manipulated most people emotionally ] and they keep the facade as she wants to give her younger bro a "traditional family" for society while still both maintaining their true preferences[ she having a gf and apparently in the contract her fiancé is her bros bf ???] he comes back to be greeted by this seemingly stranger? (He faintly remembers meeting him but the toxic bf/fiancée gaslight him and use booze to cover his mess of manipulation and treating both as dogs ). The bro notices their relationship isn't usual, but still holds back his interest on fiancé, cause... Well he is "engaged" to his sis . Fiancé, as previously mentioned uses alcohol to kinda of trap bro into confessing and entering a relationship with him (illegal shit man... Imo) they keep this up as sis almost never is home( she mostly stays with her gf) and bro feels really guilty :( fiancé knows this and still maneuvers and manipulates all characters[sis, bro, sis gf] into what he wants out of them) bro is a sociopath. He even almost lets bro and him be discovered by sis( they were doing it on the dining table ) and barely make it. Bro is tired and ask to pastor son( he has been pestering and stalking bro cause bro was his 1st love[although he has a gf and he promptly dumped her when he knew bro had come back another crazy) what he should do ( cause he felt jelly and all his inferiority compless of years being emotionally abused and compared by his parents to his sis makes a come back and he verbally fights sis :v he says she is being like their horrible father) pastor son's gf says apologize to everyone( the only sane character together with sis gf i stg well... If you don't count she comes back to the guy who dumped her outta nowhere).
So he puts on his big boi pants and says sorry to fiancée 1st... Big mistake he is basically the master mind of all that shite. So fiancée blindsides him and talks in a metaphor about how bro and sis are dogs who need to be tamed and that his master mind plans were almost done, he kisses bro when sis comes home and she just apologizes( by fiancée's peer pressure cause he uses her guilt to manipulate her to do what he wants gotta love those sicko bastards!)

Are you telling me THIS WAS SEASON 1??? What.
What the hell???
Ok: onto their characters and what I think each one needs to be healthy and happy
Sis: communicate. Please. For the love of good and the well-being of your loved ones(gf and bro) TALK TO THEM!!! Don't just be non verbally trying to do stuff right when you don't even make sure that's what they want/agree that is the best for them and just one sidedly tries to fix stuff . Yes it's hard due to trauma and your personality/mental illness (you can't convince me she is neuro typical). But bro, then go to therapy or try something please
Bro: almost the same thing but here is the catch, he does try to speak, but as he was always almost infantilized and shushed/not taken seriously and even berated( constantly being compared/ being jealous and not properly being taught to solve his emotional needs as a child by the adults around him) he just bottles up, feels upset/conflicted, doesn't work out really and whem it becomes too much he explodes.-.( Gets angered, says and do hurtful things and then runs away due to never knowing how to deal with conflict[as you can see, similar to his sister their coping mechanism is: literally evading and getting every opportunity to scape the actual problems{ again I think this is due to their parents relationship yay for generational trauma!}])
Pastor son: well... Religion can be... Suffocating. This hits close home... So I will probably project here if yall excuse me KKKKKK. So : the pastor dad is very strict and demanding ( as seem when he confronts his son about his injury on the forehead/eyebrow) so he also lives with a weird mindset, and I suspect that when he met bro he 1st was a friend but with the kiss prank he realized he was bi or something (???) and even went as far as being obsessed(not minding being injured by his crush[bro] ;[ also yikes! He must have been physically reprimanded :( to not mind this physical assault... Again probably projecting...] and even going as fas a committing his 1st "sin" towards his father[he never had lied before to his father, but he did to protect his crush]...) and never letting go of that crush/1st love( years after that he literally drops his gf to go stalk and be weird over bro )... So: separate with what is not good to you( apparently he did that already as we don't see him being... Church boi material KAKAKAKAK. With his dyed hair, piercings and also not church girl material gf[sorry if this is offensive... I grew up surrounded by relatives and other religious ppl who are VERY judgey on appearances and reputation :(]) but his world( which isn't exactly stable but not bad by all means [he has a supportive gf and was working/sustaining his life style ^^]) comes crashing down when he sees the cataclyst(bro) of his probable rebellion and changing phase.... So keep on track, don't throw your worls upside down bc of the past...(Again projecting) and keep the people who care and support you close! Give them the credit and love they deserve ^^!
The rest are either characters who are ok or the unforgivable broken terrible horror and nightmare fuel of a being: fiancée.-.
No backstory is given, but I just hate him. He is toying and manipulating everything and everyone.-. He has a twisted mentality about people( HE SAYS THE BROS ARE DOGS FFS!!!) he is a disgusting perverse creature who I wish nothing but to cease being such an evil and predatory influence on people who already have enough of suffering and hurting... But he relentlessly makes everything worse.... Gosh I despise him.-. Seriously wish for him to cease his existence??? In a very bland anticlimactic way: just poof! And begone you evil creature >:( stop whatever nefarious wickedness you are doing with those broken siblings, you sick fuck >:((((
So, that was about it, hope that if anyone read uo until now: that you have a lovely day and a great night of sleep :)

Yume no Tenshi January 29, 2024 5:37 am

I literally feel insane reading this, so to top it up with my depression, sleep deprivation, irregular current life and just weirdness: this is just like I know 90% of what I just read is mental and deraged and honestly a new type of sickness, but it also makes the atmosphere so drunk and off/ uncanny, enwrapping in a weird catatonic/apatic, so numbing that I am just glazing through this horrific horror story like a dream where I am paralyzed. This is literally a fever dream, I feel queasy and dizzy but also unaffected almost. I think my mental state really is down a peg for how I should be...

Yume no Tenshi January 29, 2024 2:52 am

This is so fucking funny for me fjsjejejd remind me of a professor I hated, she was too ambitious... although her ideas were good her execution and ways were sleazy and messy, sloppy and at best were ok. This reminds me of her, the story is basically about our mc (lived in out current times and world) has died and his soul occupied one of the minor petty villains of a "novel" there he meets most of the prominent characters. But actually the novel was based on this other world/futuristic yet feudal scenario where he enchants most people ( just bc he is mc.-. And while he has to act like a villain he tries to help some people and get misunderstood a lot, which makes other characters perceive him as interested in them). There are many silly plot twists and some funny but a little wonky parts, the art and how the characters act is a little off and uncanny( but I think most chinese comics are a little over the top, and kinda disconnected between scenes and how the characters act[ it's like a very childish way to tell a story, where everyone is op and although the main character gets in trouble it's never really in depth or at least it never feels like it has a meaningful consequences]). It's not bad by any means, just that albeit this story line is really interesting and goes to something original, it feels badly executed and done without refinement.

Yume no Tenshi January 14, 2024 6:17 am

How dare they use rape as a plot.-. How dare they acknowledge that he had experienced and was deeply scarred and scared when 2 other people used and abused him, but just because the godawful author said SeoHa is the ML it's all forgiven and forgotten as rape and now sawn as an "act of love". That was rape. That is deeply disturbing and makes me fueled with hate. I think our dearest dumb MC is not written in a good way, yes there are crazy people who submit and get so used to the harassment and abuse they crack and snap, but our idiotic Yul is just beyond that: he acknowledges THE FUCKING FACT HE WAS CONSTANTLY RAPED and the person only admitted after a while and just so he himself felt better.-. I feel beyond disgusted, it's agonizing and makes me literally feel sick and repulsed. How can someone use such trauma to tell a story and not market it as it is : horror. It's not a love story, not is it a wholesome one, it's sick, twisted and it even says in its own dialogues, but ultimately nothing is done or actually taken serious over the fact that is a crime, inhuman and a violation in every sense to be dome by someone that claimes it was "love". No. That isn't "Love", that is sickness, that is mania, obsession and an illness of compulsive possessiveness. That is toxic, unhelpful, unhealthy, hurtful. Disgusting. I am not saying and making a statement of moral superiority; I have read worse, but at least it's honest, it isn't portrayed in such a misleading way and pretending that it's "good". Those aren't good reads my any means, not even well written, but they admit they fetishize about their horribleness or acknowledge and "do something" act accordingly to as it is: criminal, disgusting acts of violation and violence, a terrible and sickening, repulsive and unhealthy media. I know better now that whenever I am drawn to dark themes I am not in a good head space. And I do acknowledge that porn is harmful, specially when consumed compulsively or in too mich quantities. I acknowledge my not good feelings and interests, but I hate being untruthful and masking/making excuses/ perceiving and lying as if they are not what they are. This is what prompted me to write all this, go along, this is just a rant as someone who has been raped( different to the MC) and have had sexual harassment (similar to MC). Anyway: I liked the roomate and FWB; as I said, I am not morally better nor any less of a scum for having some twisted preferences, I just prefer to be upfront and try my best to deal with them in a non harmful way( talking about it in therapy and always seeking consent and understanding of what's happening if I ever have sexual or any other type of communication/relationship). So that poor second male lead is my type, kind of an asshole but caring at times and teaching/learning at a pace and understanding their partners, sometimes being selfish or harsh but also having a soft spot. I liked how even though I kinda would say he loves MC it's not a very romantic relationship, I'd say its more BDSM with all that belonging and not treating as a romantic partner/SO. But also still caring and supporting one another while maintaining a good close relationship. I may be an aromantic who loves love and romance but could never partake in it as it irks and have never ended well for me specifically... Wow, self discovery time. Anyways: have a nice day, and I don't hate/berate anyone who liked it or even the author, but it caused a lot of unsettlement to see they describing how much impactful and hurting his past experiences bdared such trauma and dismay but outta nowhere ignore all of it and become so disgustingly hypocrite and disconnect just because the MC and the author have a wrapped view on the MC and ML relationship. It's a very bad one imo, and if I were to speak how I'd try to make MC healthy and happy: no contact with any of his exes, the FWB only if they cut sex and stayed good frens who support each other, therapy, new fresh environment, maybe sum meds cause he seems mentally sick :( depression, anxiety and insomnia are the top 3 I could say as I have the 1st two sickness and the story itself acknowledges MC has insomnia ( that is to say: it's ignored and never treated.-.) also he has panic attacks whenever he has contact with ptsd related people/events/places or anything really (ML's brother and his stalker) he also seems to have anger issues and outbursts( he broke many phones and treats other's he isn't close rashly/bad/aggressivly and just coldly most of the time). Again, have a nice day and sorry for bothering

    Nameless January 14, 2024 9:47 pm

    I did in fact read allat and 100% agree

    Yume no Tenshi January 15, 2024 9:43 pm
    I did in fact read allat and 100% agree Nameless

    Thanks for reading :) have a nice day, hope your next reads be better

    Kittykat January 25, 2024 9:54 pm

    finally the BL fans are starting to rise up. a couple years ago this comments section would have just been filled with "if u dont like it dont read" as if this doesnt romanticize rape

Yume no Tenshi January 13, 2024 5:25 am

I fully support him being alone, don't care to hate any other character tho :v cause it's pointless and dumb: whatchu gon do? Stop reading? That's all you can do if you really are so bothered by this girl Erika being annoying and pushy, selfishly projecting :v but that's about it, MC doesn't let that stop him :vvvv he just keeps on even though she is hindering and even being without any necessity a cumbersome obstacle :) I don't name call her, I don't degrade her, I speak a fact about her, and about how I perceive yall who are trash talking a girl for being dum and immature

Yume no Tenshi January 11, 2024 12:03 am

Wouldn't adding mass to light make it slower dur to its now heavily increased and born weight?

    ▪Square▪ January 11, 2024 12:19 am

    Tho combined w science
    Let's not forget that it's still magic

    Yume no Tenshi January 11, 2024 12:21 am
    Tho combined w science Let's not forget that it's still magic ▪Square▪

    True, but it was more about theoretical physics in itself the question ^^

    ▪Square▪ January 11, 2024 12:31 am
    True, but it was more about theoretical physics in itself the question ^^ Yume no Tenshi

    I think
    Based on my very limited knowledge of physics
    That u're probably right :D

    Yume no Tenshi January 11, 2024 3:56 pm
    Ye I thinkBased on my very limited knowledge of physicsThat u're probably right :D ▪Square▪

    >:D now I feel smört! KKKKKK also you seem cool ^^! Can I be your friend?

    LalalaIcanthearyou January 12, 2024 3:59 pm

    That's why it's breaking the laws of nature or "breaking symmetry." It should slow it down, but it doesn't.

    Yume no Tenshi January 13, 2024 5:26 am
    That's why it's breaking the laws of nature or "breaking symmetry." It should slow it down, but it doesn't. LalalaIcanthearyou

    Ohhhh :0 makes sense I suppose! Cool ^^

    Leviathan January 16, 2024 10:42 pm

    The thing that I got is that speed of light here isn't affected by mass, normally yeah heavy mass slower speed but in this case, he added mass to light without changing any existing properties (not possible IRL so might be hard to imagine )

    Yume no Tenshi January 16, 2024 11:59 pm
    The thing that I got is that speed of light here isn't affected by mass, normally yeah heavy mass slower speed but in this case, he added mass to light without changing any existing properties (not possible IRL... Leviathan

    Thanks ^^!

Yume no Tenshi January 10, 2024 1:31 pm

Love them <3 So fecking MUCH!

Yume no Tenshi December 1, 2023 4:58 am

Isn't she just a groomer?? And the girls parents are very neglectful.-. I also hate how cohoborating her coworker is, the friend of the girl is also a child so no guilt in wavering about denouncing such behavior when the perpetrator acts nicely to them(a.k.a. Grooming). I literally just hate how she is made aware multiple times her behavior is not ok and just keeps doing it... And harboring such inappropriate thoughts and feelings towards a literal child.-. Ffs.

Yume no Tenshi November 24, 2023 6:38 pm

I couldn't stomach reading the middle parts... I can get the gidt without actually reading... But it's so gut wrenching and I feel sick, but also in so much pain... I want to protect people from situations that lead them to harm themselves and others. I want to be able to be a support to children who can't deal with others problems bur feel responsible... As other's have said... All the adults in this were incredibly selfish and self-centered, sad pathetic bastards who use others and harmful scapism to deal with their own mistakes and sad feelings, but at some point no sad backstory can make me hate anyone who hurts/neglects children... They didn't ask to be born... And Yoseob, if he was treated right, if some adult had shown him that they could be trusted... Maybe Jaeha wouldn't have sheltered such a responsibility and Teaoh, if someone could have mediated and helped him and his brother he wouldn't have taken it out on Jaeha... And Yoseob if there was a responsible adult, probably wouldn't have attacked him or if he had, he'd gface repercussion and have received some sort of help... :( Yura was also neglected by her parents apparently... She has some emotional trauma related to relationships and how people view her( Yoseob also sexually harassed her, and physically attacked her)... Anyways, please don't negkect children, it's not easy to take care of one in any form or shape... Some may have specific and special needs( which may not be physically visible, but pay attention to behavior and how they interact...) I hope I can one day help and work with children... So I can try to prevent more generational trauma and continuos abuse :(... (As someone who was sexually harassed as a child... I almost continued the abuse... I am not proud bur so relieved I didn't do it... Some memories haunt me to this day and it affects a lot in many areas...) search for therapy and help if you ever feel overwhelmed, it's no shame.

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