These two sons of a idiocy are the characters I hate most. They are from "Peach girl" and are called Sae and Momo. I hate Sae more because she's a backstabbing snake like bish who tried to frick with Momo's boyfriend. Momo's boyfriend is an idiot though. It was Momo's birthday or something and he decided to surprise her so he turned off the lights.......
A character inside a BL where he/she interferes or rapes or sumthin like that Girl Version be like: he will never like You wE already slept ToGether and nOt with ur ugly ass face you idIoT ( girl gonna call him idiot whEn her IQ is like a minecraft villager’s ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍) (Or if a rich girl be like) he’s My FIANCÉE STOP BEING A NUISAN......
Akito Soma from Fruit Basket. He's a cock blocker istg. Dude got a weak body that's why the other characters sees him as a fucking GOD- (the anime is based of the Chinese Zodiac's) i don't wanna go into details because it'll become a spoiler. See for yourself, then you'll come to know why I despise.. no.. not just me but a lot of people who watches......
In Not A Sugar Daddy, there was this girl who liked the mc but he's gay. Then she feels the need to spread rumors and ruin his life bc he didn't love her back. Those characters are TOXIC and PETTY.
I don't have a particular character I hate but rather a kind. I don't like people who are irresponsible and put their blame on others when its clearly their fault but alter the truth to make it seem like someone else's fault. (This is not just for manga but irl too.)
Lol I'm gonna get a lot of flag for this but I'll have to go Sangwoo from KS Like ngl back when season 3 started I just wanted him to end up dying and for Yoonbum to be free and at least have a hopeful end BUT its one of the rarer cases where he was written in such a way, and it was actually done really really well He's the perfect depiction of a r......
I generally really dislike girl characters that are all "cute" and "innocent" and "sweet" and are so nicely stupid that they don't want to fight anyone even if that means they will die...... Like Orihime from bleach
-The dude from "Lady to Queen". Like, motherfucker needs a brain surgery or something. - Almost all the characters except the heroine from "Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess" A maid that injects needles when you're asleep, a father that blames you when you eat rotten food and "offend" a maid, fucking quirky egoistic brothers and when yo......
Tell me a character that you really hate and why?