Most of my otaku friends know I read yaoi lol I basically announced/ preached to them the wonderfulness of yaoi when I discovered it in my first year of high school. Thanks to that I befriended tons of secret fujoshi friends and I made some friends to read yaoi too. Sighhh those were the times...
Oh and my family knows i read yaoi too. They just s...... reply
22 here, listen to your parents cus sometimes they give very good advice and if your in high school start to think about your career and what you really want to do after HS very seriously. You will thank yourself in the future. reply
Age: 22
SEXUALITY: hetero as ffff
FIRST YAOI: junjou romantica, manga : endou kun no kansatsu nikki, Bl ship: Nezumi x shion
FAV YAOI GENRE: psychological
FAV YAOI: Sakura Gari who introducrs me to messed up part of the Yaoi and Harada's stuff. I want to believe that She's making her manga to make fun of the ster...... reply