a few months ago i rlly didnt like the main couple man. i felt that the couple dynamics was rlly wonky - aseph was being a fking psycho and zay being a mf crybaby I COULDNT STAND THEIR INTERACTIONS BUT I PERSISTED AND CONTINUED READING AND NOW- OH BOY I AM SHIPPING THE COUPLE SO HARD AND GENUINELY WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY TGT WHAT?! loooool this development is so weird hahaha now i can see how they gEnuiNely care for each otHer and its so cuteeeee i hope they can continue to be happy tgt and love each other >.<
so glad i left this manhwa to marinate because its soooo good~! binged this and really enjoyed it!! can't wait for upcoming chapters even though i know my heart will be in tatters ╥﹏╥