Seme slept around: he so hoott
Uke slept around : slut

The funny thing is he's not even sleepin' with anyone lol He's just fakin' bein' a dominatrix for his job so I don't see why people would say "slut."
I will say he's pretty dumb, tho. You get busted goin' into a hotel with someone and the best you could come up with was "I sleep with a lot of people it's no biggie" lol Ofc whether the seme had feelings for him or not he'd still be concerned or upset that someone he was close with was doin' somethin' like that. Not in a judgmental way but more so people are fuckin' dangerous and when you add sex to the mix there's no tellin' what kind of crazies you'll attract.

So will they planning on making another one after problems solve? Hehehe

Id be fine with that..no actually more than fine
I only have one problem...wtf is this not a yaoi like why..i rlly wish this was a yaoi..lol wometimes when i read a yaoi i wish its a shounen ai cause theres soo much damned sex tht theres no plot....then sometimes when i read a shounen ai i want it to be a yaoi......my fujoshi needs will never be fulfilledΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Btw those who dont know but the officials one always got updated on thursday jst while the translate one gonna take more like 1 day.