Thanks for another update. Woah with this pace I wouldn't be surprised if the translation catch up with the raw version.ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
How many times have I seen how much Yuri made an effort to pursue Seonwoo. With Yuri's character it all appear as a negative aspect-- being jerk, asshole, etc. but seeing now he's character is perfect push for Seonwoo. We can see how much he is affected by Seonwoo. He can basically ignore him or turn a blind eye whenever he sees his depressed look but no.. No matter how I see it, for me, Jiri has a little bond with him. For me I see it that Yuri's basically pissed/annoyed by how Seonwoo is now-- a pushover, just easily decide to give up on something but isn't actually genuine about it(like an indecisive person), submissive and doesn't show much retaliation when someone disregard him as a teacher and as a person. Now him being a nosy person to Jiri, I can say it's kinda annoying and sometimes I find myself of wanting to wring Yuri's neck. But if I were to analyze it, those childish actions of Yuri has some kind of effect on Seonwoo in a way he shows some reaction even just a little. So maybe just maybe this kind of Yuri is good for Seonwoo too not sure until when will this be good.

Actually, I didn't expect Yuri to change that fast. His character as being jerk wasn't developed for the whole overnight too. He has blunt character in FYL but not as much like today. He was like that for some reasons. I really love the way Sunwoo and Yuri interacted in FYL but it's been so long too since the last time they saw each other. Lots happened on their own sides those years. Then here they met again in the worst possible way.
It's just I'm thinking that if ever the author will really make them the end game then my idea is that, it's Yuri who will likely to fall first. I'm just enjoying though the idea that the way he is now, once he fell for Sunwoo, he'll start to regret everything. I don't know if it's just me.. but I laughed once he said "What do I gain by looking cute in front of you?" and that happened as the ending panel of a chapter like an emphasis for something in the future chapters to come. I don't know much how Nodeok writes, I only read FYL and from there it's Yohan who fell first, someone who knows that his senior has unrequited love.

Ok so Felix's first love is really Gio. I'm wondering why he can't remember the face of the young Gio he met before when he's his first love especially now that he has Gio's picture in his wallet. Anyway maybe the effect of that they were together for a very short period of time plus he's so young(?). So yeah, he's definitely not into guys only because he's Giovanni. Aww my heart.
Ok as for Gio's brother and the blond guy I believe something happened between them. Yeah I'm reading the raws though I don't fully understand that but this gave me now the idea of what's going on

Yeah I'm so sad that Yuri's being an full a$$hole and jerk this whole FoS. I remember how much I enjoyed his interaction with Jiri in FYL. But sorry guys honestly speaking at some point I've been laughing and enjoying how blunt and jerk he is.. like the way he talks not just to Jiri but to those people who he's close with. When he's with other people like the other teachers, we all see how fake he is. With this, we all know how deep he's digging his own grave. Can't wait for the day he will regret EVERYTHING and him being stupid and trying to be cute in front of Sunwoo would definitely be a chef's kiss.

well we have two opposite personality who actually met each other on their lowest point. Neither don't know how to comfort others nor they know how to admit defeat. We have one submissive guy who feel sorry for everything plus inferior complex and one overly straightforward bad mouth youngster with temperament issue.
They are total opposite that they can't see the middle point where they actually can relate and comfort one another. Its a slow slow burn but i guess its realistic. People don't change too fast. And not all people can change because a person they just met.

Chikaaaaa ╥﹏╥
He's a troubled child as some may say but he's a very nice and caring one. He attracted these psycho because he's special.
I hope someone would save Uzuki too!! Please enlighten him. In the first place he's attached to Chika because on his unusual kindness. He idolized the old lonely Chika and wanted it to himself only.

For some reason, I kinda understand Mr. Makihara's insecurities. Who say that age is just numbers?? Not in this story.. There's this huge age gap between him and his partner, not everyone in their surroundings is aware of their relationship, and Taiga is just starting to expand his world he will definitely meet different people from the same age group and lastly I believe he was straight to begin with. Well I'm not mad at Taiga because we all know he only has his eyes set to Makihara. It's just insecurities sometimes happens.
Oh well atleast it's all good now. But how about the broken/shattered glass.. It's not even their house and Kyouya has to deal with it. Kyouya is too hot to be dragged in this love comedy