I was sure Niichan was going to kill himself in the end. I imagined him hanging himself and Yui finding him. Just thought he wouldn't be able to stand the happiness he feels with Yui, knowing he doesn't deserve it.
But at the same time I'm glad he didn't, just for the sake of those so rare happy moments. I truly hurt for Niichan, he never had an option of happiness. But at least these little moments, at least some of it he gets.

How is this still not finished. I've even stopped reading it for a couple of years, thinking I'll read it all at once later on. Now I've come back and there is no countdown anymore, 3 months to go and even less sex pages. I want to read about their life after Ritsu falls for him, I want to see him all cute and stuff. But this author will probably die before Ritsu falls in love

Gotta keep milking that cow ~

Comics take time so It's not fair to complain there. But if the updates are going to be this slow, then at least make each chapter worthwhile and significant. Make each chapter important to move the story forward. Taking several months to produce filler is not cool.

Manga itself tells us how much time it takes :P And I will complain becacause this feels more and more like a joke, like she doesn't even know what to do anymore and she's making me hate something I've loved for years. It's like she doesn't care about this story anymore. So yes, I am full of rage and hate

Um, why are you complaining on the one hand about less sex pages then on the other hand complaining about her not caring about the story? One hand does not agree with the other, obviously....
And it hasn't even been a year, yet, in the comic, since the countdown started. So, apparently, you don't know how long it's supposed to take, after all...? Nao is not filler. He's actually there to do what you guys have been complaining about. But, oh, well, who am I to complain about people being contradictory.
I've really disliked Takano from the beginning of this manga, yet I still read it. Now, I'm finally beginning to like his character and the development, but other people are calling it a 'joke'? That makes me SAD.

It agrees, why wouldn't it? It worked in the beginning, why can't it now?
I guess you missed a point a lot: when I said 3 months, that was the last time we saw the countdown and it was about 3 months left. Nobody said Nao is a filler, he actually seems as a good thing.
To me fillers would be that trip they took and getting stuck there (I don't care for Mino's kid, I liked Mino more as a mysterious psycho as he was portrayed in the beginning) and also Takano's ex coworker. He is just so whatever. He might have some importance later on, but what's going on right now he should just get lost.
And all of us complainers are wishing for a faster development. This can actually be finished in three more chapters (and no, it wouldn't go too fast). But probably won't happen.

No, it didn't. Obviously you think up is down and down is up. Filler is what the pages leading up to and between those rape scenes (rape, because that's actually what those scenes are, if you're having trouble finding the word for them, that is...) you bemoan so much about missing could only ever be. The story has actually PROGRESSED since then, with plot holes being filled and backgrounds being explored, FINALLY. (Funny, though, that you think she doesn't care about the story when this is the first time I actually see her DOING that.) But that could only happen AFTER Takano finally had it shown to him what a jerkass he was being.
As for the three months thing, perhaps YOU don't get it, which seems more likely. After all, I was TRYING to point out, and which you obviously missed, that three months doesn't happen the same way in fiction as it does in real time.
Finally, I never said any of you called Nao filler (perhaps you might benefit from learning to grasp points, yourself...? Just a question). I was pointing out that Nao's storyline was taking place in the part of the story you were complaining was filler even though his appearance in the manga was the most meaningful part, YET. Even by YOUR standards.

Aye girly, why so butthurt? My preferences are everything that's wrong, so I do like rape in mangas. But that was never the point, why even bring it up :) And I told you what I personally find to be pointless, as in filler, not a common thing, like you believe you did. I do like parts in between, when she teaches how manga gets created.
Maybe you'll understand it this way: TOO SLOW. IT PROGRESSES TOO SLOWLY. We want her to lose more days a chapter, not 5 every time (it was faster in the beginning). so if she continues this pattern, it will take around 18 more chapters. How many years is that? By how it's going now around 5 more years. See our problem with that. That should also explain my problem with the 3 months finally.
And sweety, let me quote you: '' Nao is not filler.'' That would be the part I was answering before :)
Also - repeating myself again just get it already - I've told what was a filler for me, I've never complained about Nao part. If you try hard and read my first comment, you'll see I've read a lot of new chapters at once, the freaking ex coworker was new for me. So how can you just claim what I've disliked and than condemn me for it?
And before you comment again, read again what have been said before, it gets so annoying repeating myself.

I am so frustrated right now. I have to go study now, I'm learning Japanese and I will freaking translate this manga by myself! But the problem it's my first year in the university, so it will take some time before I get enough knowledge of the language :/ Hikawa-senseeei help me study toooo!!

When you're done try translating Ten Count or Romantic (Moriyo). They're soooo good xD.
Good luck on learning Japanese c:!
Does anybody know where I can get Japanse raws?
The internet ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Damn Sakura, who bore you so smart
My mom with a little help from my school ;)
I LOLed so hard XD
Spoiled, thank you, but that's Chinese
You are wellcome!!!Yeap i know... but only that i have!!! Sorry!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Lollllllll i love your sense of Humor