About 3 more chapters left and it's over. Yes. Let's just end this. I see no development at all and ppl be fighting always. EWAN PUTANGINA. Umay. I thought after Hyesung confessed his feelings to Dojin, we would have fluff scenes and stuff but it's like everything has gone back to how it used to be.

hmm this is just my opinion, but I think the "were u watching me again" or smth said by Hyesung was abt the time Dojin was so busy. Hyesung was so h*rny that time and he was caught jerking off to Dojin's shirt in their room lol. He was yearning for Dojin, but did not want Dojin to do him. Make up your mind, sis.

All these comments make me wanna stop reading. Like y'all srsly fighting over fictional characters? Let's state the title again, "LOVE is an ILLUSION", was there really love to begin with? Both sides have their own share of wrong doings. Up until now, Hyesung is still acting like a spoiled tsundere while Dojin becomes more possessive and jealous.
I saw a comment saying that Hyesung was forced to continue the pregnancy, but as what I have recalled, they had an agreement. Dojin would pay Hyesung a hefty amount of money after he give birth and he would be free to go in which Hyesung agreed to, but Hyesung, during that time, wanted to stay too until he heard Dojin talking abt paying him and stuff. So he quickly changed his mind again, bcs he thought Dojin doesn't want to raise the baby with him (???) and all of that was bcs of the contract/agreement only. He was scared, but he also wanted to take care of Byul it's just that their relationship is vvv messy and full of misunderstandings. LIKE FCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER. HYESUNG, STOP BEING A TSUNDERE AND BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF AND TO DOJIN. AND DOJIN, STOP BEING SO OVERLY POSSESSIVE AND MANIPULATING.