The poor uncle Taryn!! He had such a sad life just like Leslie! No love at all from his father and eldest brother! And his other brother died! He came back to his cruel childhood place just so he could protect his poor neice from going back to the hell like place (also known as the Sperado Household). Another precious bean we must protect!!
(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'm glad he found love though. He's a good uncle. (Also, f**k you Sperado sadistic bastard! The Salvatores, Leslie and uncle Taryn are too good for you to even look at them! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)
Do you think the gift that the 2nd prince gave them when he healed Arien's hand helped them awaken their powers (*dimension/invisibility thing)? Or maybe it helped them find their (supposed) gaurdian (red haired man)?
I also find it interesting that the twin's eyes are not related to their parents eyes but are strikingly similar to the red haired man's eyes.
*Let me elaborate on what I meant when I said (dimension/invisibility). I don't think it is exactly invisibility because if it was just invisibility then the servants would have seen the door open and then find out that they couldn't see the twins. In the twins point of view, everyone was gone; the hallways were empty. And in the servant's point of view, the twins were gone/vanished. The reason why I said dimension is because I think it is possible that the twins have their own alternative pathway that lets them go about privately.
Of course, it is also possible that the reason why they are able to sneak out is because of the red haired man. Both times they sneaked out was related to him in some way. Maybe he is helping them get rid of inconveniences so he can meet them. I don't know, there are a lot of maybes.
Congratualations to those of you that read this far! Here, have some pudding!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧