I LOIkE BIG PP's experience ( All 0 )

I LOIkE BIG PP's answer ( All 2 )

I’d like to reply to this with one post I made   3 reply
27 12,2023
My wish would be that one day I was asleep then one day I see all of bts around me and they tell me you were lost so were taking care of you since I'm 9 and they would sing songs so I could go to sleep. Sing songs for no reason and I would get to go to all of the concerts, also I would get to try jungkooks food and im pretty sure it is really bad. ......   1 reply
11 11,2018

I LOIkE BIG PP's question ( All 2 )

I’m not sure if this is a universal experience - probably not because most people were adults when they used this site (or at least 16 and over). However I was NINE at the youngest when I started, so I posted some things that I regret to say the least. Plus I have a bunch of questions asking for “incest and shota manga recommendations” which is not something I’m into anymore luckily. I am just getting so embarrassed seeing my weird questions and me way over using the kaomojis. So, anyways, I wanted to know if anyone else said things they regret lol.
27 12,2023
I've gotten so used to just reading really sexual yaoi one-shots and now whenever I read something with a cute sweet floofy plot, I just start......crying.Also, I get so attached to the characters to where when it ends, for like a whole month I'll just have some gaping hole in my heart. To be honest, it's taking the fun out of yaoi because I'm sad all the time. I REALLY want to get over this problem but idk how...
17 05,2020

People are doing

did confess to your crush

worst thing possible because i set him up with another girl since i was too insecure thinking he wouldn’t like me, they’re together now

3 hours
want to do confess to your crush

I've been thinking about it, and I should probably do it, in order to stop hoping pointlessly. But i did it once before and it was awful

7 hours
want to do confess to your crush

I need to have one to confess. also generally, do not confess. let them confess to you. always find someone who loves you more.

1 days