Narudi18 created a topic of No Returns After Use

I honestly don’t mind him “cheating” (I’m putting it in quotes cuz they are not really dating)
Honestly after what ml did to him in the beginning, he just deserves it and even worse

Narudi18 created a topic of Night of the Unmarked

I hope MC telling him how he feels will stop the whole “I want to be near you, oh wait I have to stay away from you” circle ML is really frustrating

Narudi18 created a topic of Red String Quests

MC got people writing poems about him like the side character is saying he’s like the sun

Narudi18 created a topic of Fire in the whole

ML is a lot more assertive than I expected the golden retriever boyfriend turned out to be a wolf

Narudi18 created a topic of Regas

The way the story keep switching from being all serious(the corrupt officials, the war, Karas being a psychopath) to being a full on comedy is giving me whiplash
I love it, I need more stories like this

All the people who are pressed in the comment about MC “stealing” his crush from his future fiancé, I just know yall wouldn’t feel this way if his fiancé was a woman

Narudi18 created a topic of I'm Here, Beside You

All the people who are pressed in the comment about MC “stealing” his crush from his future fiancé, I just know yall wouldn’t feel this way if his fiancé was a woman

Narudi18 created a topic of I'm Here, Beside You

I feel so bad for MC pinning after someone who didn’t bother to learn his name and going back to the past against his will only to get rejected in such an awful way

Narudi18 created a topic of Love Sick Dog

You know the plot is solid when everyone is fighting in the comment section

Narudi18 created a topic of Love Sick Dog

His past might explain his actions but it doesn’t justify or excuse them
So yeah, I don’t gaf about that rapist and abusive loser, give me side stories of the main couple

Narudi18 created a topic of A Basic Guidebook to BDSM


Narudi18 created a topic of Dog Daze

Ah the classic love triangle with a dumbass childhood friend and the one who’s obviously a better with MC but we all know that MC is gonna end with Mr Dumbass

Narudi18 created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

ML is so pathetic, i need someone like him

Narudi18 created a topic of Fire in the whole

My man is trying to fuck the suicidal thoughts out of him

Narudi18 created a topic of Red String Quests


Narudi18 created a topic of Be My Baby
Narudi18 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

It’s not related to whatever happened in this chapter but the fact that ,the baby is seven months old and still doesn’t have a name, is sending me

Narudi18 created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I was so excited about the sides but it’s about the brother give me some fluffy moment with the main characters

Narudi18 created a topic of Finders Keepers

ML is a high schooler but he’s repeating his last year right? So technically, he’s of age???

Narudi18 add manga to list Stuff

My roommate at the police academy dorm helps me lose my virginity!...

  • Author: Nocori,10 hour sleep
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Hentai / Mature / Smut / Police Police