DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx

I know he will eventually forgive JK (duh) but for now... You tell him Dan!!

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Chainsaw Man

I feel bad for Denji and Asa... Wtf are you doing Yoru ://

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx
DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx

JK's only redeeming quality as of right now is that he is somewhat kind to Dan's granny. It's the only moments he doesn't make me cringe

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx

I don't care if he saved Dan's life because he is in that state because of him in the first place.

I know it won't last but I wish Dan rejected him till the end of time, that mf

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Oshi no Ko

This ending was so meh to me. I don't really care about Aqua's death, especially if it was used well... but it wasn't. I couldn't even feel sad tbh? It fell so flat and unimpactful, Ruby ended just like her mother, living in a web of lies... and I get it, that's the life of the idol blablabla but the message at the end was so mild, idk, a very anticlimactic end imo

Ah the void... :')

This ending doesn't satisfy me as much as I would like, Deku not having a quirk doesn't sit right with me even when I knew it was the logic thing to happen. I'm glad he got a fighting suit at least!

DocosahexaenoicAcid add manga to list Fave BL

Pairings: Kuroo x Tsukishima, Bokuto x Akaashi...

  • Author: Kuroquis
  • Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Smut / Yaoi / One Shot

Pairings: Kuroo x Tsukishima, Bokuto x Akaashi...

  • Author: Kuroquis
  • Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Smut / Yaoi / One Shot
DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Chainsaw Man

I feel so bad for Asa, she doesn't deserve this not to mention Denji thinks she is Asa

It's ending an none of the kids died... I'm satisfied with it. I can't believe we are so close to the end :')))

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Chainsaw Man

Are you serious? In front of my Asa!?

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Chainsaw Man

You can't make me feel terrible about Nayuta and suddenly throw at me a married couple fight about sushi, I don't want to laugh in this situation gdi

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx

Not him playing the victim card lmaoooo The slap made me happy it's the least he deserves, I wish it came from Dan though but good enough

DocosahexaenoicAcid created a topic of Jinx

What with the fake updates today? :')