I recently remembered a manga in which a salary man is a kinda perverted masochist. one day it's storming heavily on his way back home and he goes to the coffee shop he always frequents. There the barista (or owner) accidentally notices, that the salarymans nipples are pierced and that he has things written on his body... First he thought he was being bullied at work but later found out that the sman wrote them himslef and it's hhis kink. Anyways they proceed to have wild sex in this night amd that's as far as i can remember
If anybody knows the name i would be grateful if they sbared it with me. Thanks alreadyヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I'm searching for a yaoi manga I read a while ago. It's about a honor student and a traveling actor( teenager). The actor comes in the same class as the honor student and they kinda develop something for each other. When the friends of the student notice that they aren't happy and one tells the father of the honor student who is getting grounded as a result. The actor then comes to secretly visit the student in his room.
I think in the end the student escapes with the actor and his theater group...
I hope someone knows this amd thanks for any help already

A while ago I read this manga, yaoi, where the seme (blond hair) takes care of the uke (black, little bit longer hair) because he would always forget it himself. They are both students in university. Also the uke is getting sexually harassed by one of the professors and when the seme finds out about this he kinda talks to the uke and they end up having sex (I'm not sure with this part). Later in the story they visit the uke's family's ryokan.
If any of you kinda recognizes this crappy axplanation please help me find it again...
Also sorry for any spelling/grammar mistake, english isn't my first language...
Heyy, i just accidentally muted a notification of a topic i followed about a manga being searched. It was as a comment after a manga i read, but i can't remember which T-T
Does anybody know, how to unmute it or if I'll get another notification, if there is another reply?
Sadly, its no for both questions. :<
Next time, you can click on the title of the topic (it should redirect you to another page). Press the "Like" button. All topics you liked will then be saved and can be accessed from your homepage*. Hmm its similar to the pin feature on Pinterest.
*All the topics you liked will appear here:
Oh no TT, but thanks
Nevermind, i found it again