Title doesn't have anything to do with my comment but please dont upload over the author! If we want to keep reading this manga we have to respect author's requests. I hope no one makes author upset or stop unloading anymore. Author-nim fighting!!
I am a fan of angst stories, and this manga definitely suit my taste! I am low-key shipping Rin and Kaoru & Taiga and Yuka. I am looking forward to more updates on this manga. You guys did a very great job!
I like angst stories with a bit of sexy scenes that's why I really really appreciate this story! Not only because of the those but the story line is good as well! The makers of this manga is really great!
Title doesn't have anything to do with my comment but please dont upload over the author! If we want to keep reading this manga we have to respect author's requests. I hope no one makes author upset or stop unloading anymore. Author-nim fighting!!
I think you mean the main uploader, not the author. But yes, I agree.
Yes yes the uploader, sorry for that