One day, ordinary office worker Kaoru Kusakabe (28) is reincarnated into the world of a BL Omegavers...
- Author: Minagi sekka
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Isekai / Omegaverse / Reincarnation / Royal family / Royalty / Transmigration Drama Fantasy Historical Isekai Omegaverse Reincarnation Royal family Royalty Transmigration
Don't worryy Taesung~
Knowing Bona, she's probably off hunting some animals for dinner ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
"I think I should get to know him and keep a close eye on him." Honey, that's how love starts
When Makoto is practicing his professions of love in the park one night, Shiro happens to hear the w...
- Author: Toujou Sakana
- Genres: Romance / Smut / Yaoi / Supernatural / Fantasy
...and they all lived happily ever after
Without worrying about the stupid villain couple.
Or potential enemies bothering them out of petty revenge.
No, they relived their lives with a refreshing amount of normalcy, moved in together and ate meals together, went on awesome dates every weekend and had plenty of hot, steamy sex.
Shinnosuke Taoka seems like your average businessman, but his "habit" of soliciting other ...
- Author: Yu Yuzuki
- Genres: fantasy / yaoi / smut
What I just said.
I'm not going to accept or enjoy your nicey nice, flirty, lovey dovey moments or sayings with Su-ae UNTIL I GET A GODDAMNED EXPLANATION on WHY TF U GHOSTED HER AND EVERYONE FOR 10 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ