2024-09-20 03:15 marked
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2024-04-02 00:30 marked
2024-03-25 18:08 marked
2022-12-16 06:12 marked
Do the main couple ever kiss for real in the manga?
2021-05-27 16:47 marked
So I'm just gunna put this out there in the hopes that people who just screeches "be grateful! I'ts free!" or "why don't you do it then?" can understand the perspective of an artist.

Imagine writing a story, illustrating it and getting said story published. While losing revenue for your work is surely a punch in the face, thats not whats most insulting, its the fact that someone completely butchered your work and posted it onto an aggregate site where thousands upon thousands are viewing it and judging it based on that posting.
I would be absolutely gutted if this happened to anything I worked on.

I understand there are a lot of younger and financially insecure people who are scared that voicing anything but praise will lead to them losing access, but this is exactly why there are more and more bad translations. Constructive criticism is never a bad thing, unless there is no intention of improving. Don't give in to someone who is exploiting your circumstances for undeserved accolades. Give praise where praise is due, and criticise where necessary.

Last thing I'll say is as a collector of physical volumes with a limited amount of space, I use these sites to find works I really like to purchase and I never purchase poorly translated titles as I can't properly assess them, I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this, so thats actually a stream of potential earnings from these sites pirating an authors work being cut off.
2021-05-06 08:59 marked
Everyone here seems to be split between two camps based on whether Jaeyi or Hyesun are in the wrong. I think it's both and neither at the same time.

Let's start with Hyesun, since the majority of people want to blame her: I think we are lacking any decent context to the way she expresses affection with Jaeyi. On the one hand, many people will not normally kiss their friends. On the other hand, has it ever been confirmed between them that their kissing was supposed to be non-platonic? We never really find that out.

Jaeyi suffers from a pretty debilitating weight of expectations, one that she enforces on others. Hyesun was right in saying that she takes things pretty seriously. Which is not a fault in and of itself, but it definitely becomes one when Jaeyi never communicates said expectations. In other words, she knows what she wants from people, but has that annoying trait of not speaking her mind.

Jaeyi made assumptions in her head about her relationship with Hyesun while Hyesun was oblivious about these assumptions. We see this repeat itself 10 years later with Jaeyi's treatment of Soyoung (sp?).

Soyoung was the one to establish clear boundaries at first. She did not want to overstep as Jaeyi's fan. Jaeyi is the one who tries to seal the distance, both unaccustomed to having a fan and charmed by Soyoung's antics and actions. When Soyoung finally begins to relax and she tells Jaeyi, quite casually, that she would rather choose safety if she was Paule from the play, Jaeyi cuts her off COMPLETELY. She leaves Soyoung in the dark while Soyoung tries to make up all types of excuses for why Jaeyi is treating her this way, but we know it's because Soyoung reminds Jaeyi of Hyesun. But imagine how differently this would have gone if Jaeyi just--I don't know--talked about it?? Instead of being unhealthy and pushing Soyoung away??

I don't hate Jaeyi. In fact, I sympathize with her. Because what teenager isn't going to think that kissing is dating? I never knew anyone could be so densely straight as to think that kissing your best friend didn't come off as a little gay. So, Hyesun should have known better. Frankly, her continuously assuming Jaeyi's heterosexuality, especially after high school, seems obtuse at best and homophobic at worst. So Jaeyi has a right to avoiding Hyesun when she seems pretty toxic (even if she doesn't mean to be).

Similarly, when Soyoung mentioned preferring convention over passion, Jaeyi obviously wanted to avoid another Hyesun situation.

Her behaviour makes sense. In a way, it is relatable. But it puts others around her, as well as herself, in difficult positions where, in the end, no one is happy.

TL;DR: None of this would be happening if they just talked to each other.
2021-05-03 20:14 marked
Dreaming of eating a butterfly means that you are trying to energetically digest the experiences you are going through in your life right now. You are feeling big shifts in your life right, and are trying to make sense of it all.
2021-04-21 23:24 marked
I'm actually 22, I'm babysitting my nephews & niece and that's not even my own responsibility but i already feel like I'm dying for some (or a LOT more) freedom & entertainment in my life. I assume we have commonality as well in terms of refusing commitment at such age. Especially when she got lots of pressure from outsiders about mother's virtue, how she should be nice to her son etc etc, all the pressure would only result to resentment and the resentment would be directed to the one who wouldnt be able to retaliate; her own son.
2021-04-13 19:01 marked
It's kinda weird to actually read a story that you dreamt about. I even wrote everything down my dream journal and it was like a novel.

I can across this story on a facebook group. It had the title and a panel where Woojoon removed his clothes (I think that part was in chapter 4, where Hayeon was about to bring her and Woojoon's breakfast but when she opened the door he was butt naked).

I never really realized that this story had the same flow and aesthetic feel as the dream I had.

This is the second time this happened, the first was a manhwa called "Our Relationship Is..." or "Something About Us". This and that manhwa are both such a masterpiece.

I'd like to think that this is like a fated encounter.

Or I've been reading too much isekai stories and I'm just subconsciously needing a break from such a good genre to a more chill,sorta drama (eyy that rhymed lol). Add to that my longing to going back to university to meet my friends again normally.
2021-04-10 15:37 marked
Can someboy here Please recommend an omegaverse story where the Uke doesn't get raped or assaulted and the Seme is the one who suffers or gets tortured for his arrogance??!!
2021-03-06 18:22 marked
I'm on chapter 7 and what Hana said to Chang-Wok bothered me. Why is he obligated to tell her about his past regarding a rumour just because she was assuming things about it? You just met the guy, you only started helping him cause you think he's attractive and no one would be comfortable talking about a rumour that involves them being seen in a negative light. While it's good that at least she's trying to communicate with him but the way she went about it was wrong. Don't simply lash out at someone you just met and force them to talk about something they might be uncomfortable with in the first place. Don't guilt trip them either to make them feel bad for not talking about it to you because again, he isn't obligated to tell a stranger about it, especially if it was a painful experience to him.
2021-02-22 15:24 marked
It's normal for everyone to go through pain. That's how life is anyways.
But the one difference between a "Bad" and a "Good" person, is the way they react to their pain.
If you think that because you suffered, you need not to think of others, then that's what makes you a bad person.
Learning how to overcome those hardships and understand that everyone has their own circumstances, is what makes you a good person. :3
Now for this sis, i get how she suffered and all bUT nO, HArMINg INNOCeNT ppL WIthOUT PRooF IS a NO no.
2021-02-17 16:11 marked
Does anyone know where i can read the novel? I was trying to read(well google translate) the spanish version but it’s no longer in the site archiveofourown :(
2020-12-17 11:12 marked
I’m gonna big spoil. Really big so if you want just some little spoil or something, don’t read it.


Okay, here we go. The manhwa could have a different ending than the novel, but I’ll be talking about the novel here. And I didn’t read the novel btw. I’ve just read a biiig summary in japanese, that I’m summarizing into this spoil.
This is tagged as « Romance », just as the novel. But y’all have to know it’s actually not a romance one. It’s wayyy more than that, for the first time in that kind of isekai there’s NO ML. We’re just gonna see the character growing up, and I’m actually so happy because of that ヾ(☆▽☆) We all like romance but dang, it’s about HER, SHE’S growing up, without the need of a boyfriend and that’s just amazing. Anyways let’s really start with the spoil now

So, as we saw, the MC will die. A magician will make Keira return to the past, ‘cause she’s « the real one ».
> The real villain of the story isn’t Cosette. It’s the dad, what an @sshole (But he’s hella hot. Still hate him af tho, but ugh why does he kinda look like Claude, and why does Cosette kinda looks like Athy, it makes me even more angry and confused. Don’t make them look like thiiis)
>>> When Keira died ; The dad will help the magician, because of his guilt (? or maybe just because he realized SHE was the real one loved by spirits. A trashy reason for a trash, it makes sense to me.)
>> There’s a thing about the dad being hypnotized, I didn’t really understood that part. But it’s not really important, cause he DID a lot of things, and killed Keira even though he knew she was his daughter (he knew it and wasn’t hypnotized. He still voted to kill her, I’m not sure why but he probably didn’t care since Cosette had the power, and so they thought she was loved by the spirits, « she have power so I don’t need you, just die » grrr)
When the MC returns to the past, the dad start to have some nightmares (of the futur, when he kill his own daughter and all. When he wakes up, he don’t really remember the nightmare and only remember the pain (be in pain yeah, you killed her you trash. And that’s not the only thing he did btw.)
-> Actually, the truth is that he never did directly something, like Cosette. (Well, he voted to kill his daughter, but he didn’t plot or anything) But the thing is that his action, his being, made sooo many people suffer. He destroyed everyone close to him. HE caused everything.
His first wife, for exemple. He watched her being insulted, abused, and never stood to her or said anything, which made the abuse even worst.
> The abuse was done by the family of the second wife, the mother of Keira.
He never said anything, ignored it all. And even when the family of the second wife hired assassins to kill the first one, he didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, while he knew everything.
The first wife was slandered of being infertile (while she wasn’t). She was pregnant, of Cosette (Which means that yeah, Cosette is a real daughter too. That’s why she looks so much like the dad). And in her situation, to save her baby, she made a contract with a Demon, offering her soul to protect her baby and take revenge of the Parvis family (the one Keira came from), but what she didn’t knew is that she was pregnant of twins (a girl, Cosette, and a boy) >> I’m not sure about this part. The summary does talk about twins (« I didn’t know they were twins ») ; it’s either about the babies, so Cosette and a boy, or about the mother and her brother (cause she do have a brother, we’ll talk about it after)

The Demon took possession of the body of the first wife, and by doing so, killed the baby (Cosette). So actually, Cosette never lived, she was dead from the start ; which complete the prophecy, saying that only ONE daughter is the saintess.
Now, about Cosette (well, it’s not really her. It’s the Demon, in her body, while she’s dead (while she actually was never born alive), controlling the divine spirit ; that’s a little bit confusing. It’s not really clear if Cosette stole the spirit when Keira successfully invoked it and could control it because of her royal blood, or if it’s just the magic of the demon, and actually Cosette never had the water spirit ; Keira had it, but was so shocked that she saw Cosette using her magic (that look just like the spirit), that she never thought she successfully invoked it. She thought Cosette had it and so never awoken her power. It’s one of them either way, but I think it’s the second one, not sure tho this part is so confusing.

Now, the brother of the first wife ; he’s the only one of their family that survived. He wants to take revenge of the Parvis family, just like his sister. He’s the one who introduced Cosette, and he also made a contract with a Demon. In the first futur, their revenge was successful when Keira died, and life turned into Hell (must be why the magician and father returned to the past where Keira was alive)

In this timeline, the father’s way too different. Not as cold, wants to be treated as a father (a b/tch I’m saying, grrr)

The ending ; okay, now let’s talk about how different it’ll of what you expect
I know you expect her to be with a boy, and her father loving her. It’s not. Not at all.
As I said, there’s no ML ; no Romance as we know it. But she’s loving herself. Taking care of herself. Romance with herself lmao

>> She and her brother COMPLETELY cut ties with their father. They’re gonna explore the world, which they could never did (they were kinda locked up in the house since their childhood, because of their father.) It’s not like WMMAP or any manhwa where they end up liking their toxic father and all.

I seriously find it beautiful. Way more « realistic », isn’t it ? I kinda always hoped for an isekai/return to the past where the girl doesn’t live for love u know ? Where she lives for herself. And there it is. (there is some not about romance, but the MC is always a boy. Now we have some THIS same style, but with an heroine that really do it for herself you know ? She find herself, her own happiness which doesn’t imply a boy or a love life ; just her, and her brother, after cutting tie with the toxicity in her life)
2020-10-19 11:36 marked
Can someone recommend mee some historical bl or similar to this??
2020-09-30 10:43 marked
I don't want your second hand stuff. I don't want the stuff you want. I am one of a kind. I am vip.
These shit? Been there done that!
This room? Old.
The prince? Used.
Pregnancy? Over it.
Your face? Ruined it.
Your life? Destroyed it.
And these are not a threat.
I will throw the old, change the used, ruin and destroy your life that you carelessly lent to me. This is no longer your show. This is my time to shine. Lol.
2020-09-21 10:02 marked
For those of u that actually read the novel, can u tell me what happens to Duchess Tuvania in the end and if Trasta ever gets punished for what she did to her? (Most importantly, does Duchess Tuvania get somewhat of a happy ending?)
2020-09-17 22:10 marked

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