Wait....is uke still 17?

Age of consent in Japan is a confusing topic to cover and it’s somehow brought up often in this website. There are a few laws covering this (maybe around 3-4) and they overlap, meaning some say that the legal age could be 18/13/depending on situations... But I will say that are many provisions which allow anyone to go after someone who has sex underage. In most of the country the legal age is 18 but it does depend on the prefecture
Now they’re not wrong saying 13 is the legal age bc it might be true within different prefectures or depending on the legal interpretations, but it’s a very vague answer and makes it seem like ALL of Japan is 13

He must be cherished and protected
......but also stepped on

When he asked the mom if she could write a love story between him and the MC and she asked " would that sell" I was like yes and I'll buy every copy just so you can be happy. He is soooo adorable, he could marry a tree and I would still want to read it!! I hope he gets his love story too, sad that it seems like he likes the MC though.
Anyone else think the killer is the second girl who supposedly died? The one who wrote up that report? I feel like the whole speech about don't remove her clothes to preserve dignity was super sus and she just faked her own death to make it easier to act and to not put suspicion on herself. Her body was conveniently "burned" after too so.... Hope this doesn't turn out to be a spoiler