I mean, Jayed has talked multiple times about how badly he wants to rape him. he doesn’t just have the mindset of a rapist, he’s an undercover one Zeze
Shaking heads on authors who think rape = plot smfh
Well, Jayed "knows" he is going to kill young master on their way back, so his control of his rather dark urges is slipping, but lo and behold he is getting some positive responses, so his control is slipping even more. And you know, the repressed feelings... so a clusterfu** in the making.
Shaking heads on authors who think rape = plot smfh L.G_Ezly4
So this offer doesn’t weirdly enough. It does have some odd or is this or is this not non-con but they don’t affirm to this when it comes to the main coupling but yes with others around them and I get really fucked up so I don’t know if this is also going to go in a similar direction
I hope Jaekyung kills himself (≧▽≦)