does anyone know the name of this manga plsss help me

Does anyone know a site that I can get manga raws? I'm not talking about toonkor.. I need another site so pls anyone that knows of any sites, help me xD

Funbe: (since I don't understand a single word, I'll let you find what you're searching for) https://funbe.org/%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%A0_%EA%B5%AC%EC%84%B1_9900%EC%9B%90_2%ED%99%94.html
Kuaikanmanhua :
And I can't find the link for nicobook anymore.
is there a way to read manga on the Korean sites without typesetting and translating or understanding Korean?
pls let me knowლ(´ڡ`ლ)
They are Korean sites, it's just not possible! Sorrryyyyyy ㅠㅠ
its fineeee T.T