cookychims's feed

cookychims created a topic of Just Twilight

Brown haired dude is really that "Nice Guy" character in fiction. The, "why can't you fall in love with me, I'm a Nice Guy". This is the difference of someone who is genuinely kind, someone who at their core just wants to help and be kind to others without expecting anything in return (like our ML) and people like this shithead who are nice to people for their own gain. And when someone comes along who doesn't buy their nice person act, they become creepy af. Every time I see him I just wanna punch him in the face.

I hope to god he doesn't do anything to make ML stay in prison or go to juvie. And I hope ML actually gets released. I do worry if MC and ML's closeness will be made public and the repercussions. They'd be thrust into the spotlight and be the main source of gossip. Don't even get me started on how people would ridicule and critique how different they are or whatever. And then there's the mom

If we do get angst, which we most likely will, I just hope it won't be too long (ಥ﹏ಥ)